42770 SAVE0335

42770 SAVE0335

1 1 fnn/ to stay late and v;oik overtime

a) To było bardzo ważne, ale nie /.ostało

2 1 should kaw callcd him to let him know.


3 1 le sfiouldn'l Jmiv spoken to you likc that •t 1 didnt Jum* ta go to work because it was a

bi Wykonanie tego nie było konieczne,

bank holiday.

c) To było bardzo ważne i zostało wykonane

dl Zle się stało, że to zostało wykonane.

3 Dopasuj zdania do odpowiednich definicji. Użyj slow napisanych kursyw].

4 Uzupełnij zdania, wstawiając had tfl. should htwe, shouldn'1 firny oraz didn'l have lo oraz czasowniki z ramki.

eaten told spent left take work

1    You    that chicken - it wasn t completely cooked!

2    We ........ ... eariier. Now we ll be late

3    I didn t meel you yesterday because I .    . . overtime

4    We ...... .........so much money in rhe restaurant! Now we can t

allord to g«t a taxi home!

5    You ..................a taxi lo lhe city centro Theres a cheap.

teliable bus scrvice

6    You ....... . your boss you would be lale. He s really angry!

5 łY>słuchaj nagiania i sprawdź swoje odpowiedzi.

20 minutes+

Uzupełnij zdania. Czy pamiętasz ostatnią sytuację, kiedy:

1    You had to do something?

I had to........................... because .......

2    You should havc done something?

I should have    ............ because

3    You shouldn't have done something?

I Shouldn t have .......... because

4    You didnt liave to do something

Ididn’l havc to ..............................because ...

258 English in 20 minutes a day


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