41061 window box 2 1

41061 window box 2 1



4 •







Bluc or Grcen

S*ro:ght Stetch

1-2. 3 -2. 4-3. 2-5.

6- 7, 8 • 7. 8 - 9.    1-10.

7- 10.

Repeot for secood Shutter. HEART

Bcckstitch from A


Straight Stitch 1-2. 3-2. 3-4. 1-45-6. 7-8. 9-10. 11-12. 13 - 10. 14-15. 16 - 17.

9 -18, 6 - 20, 21- 20.

Suogestcd cord co'o.irs:

Light colours - Cream, Grey or Wh re

(5) GLASS STR6AK5 Indesce/it White Straight 5t*łc>i tnc I rttS w thm the dioracfld pones.

(I) DIAMOND PANES Charcoal or 8lock Straight Stitch

Follow d ogrcrr. abovc. worktng 2 pones at a time.

(3) FLOWER BOX 8lue or Grcen Straght Stitch A - 8. A-C. D-C. D - 6.

F - E. F • G, H -1. H - J,

K J. L - M. N - M. B - N. L - G


\    4/8

\ /

i    4

t    5


/ 6

(6) L£AVES Grcen Sp roi Stitch

A - o. 1 -1, A - o, 2 - i, A - o, 3 - i,

A - 0. 4 -1, A - o. 5 - i. A-o. 6-i,

Ao/*'-    ąl    NOTĘ:

4?’ ’ > A    i = in

5" 6 r


Attoch lost, comc out through hole, pick up

bead, back m and on to the next one!

Sucgesfec thrcads - Winds-A Franie - Mettfer V.r.*allic 113* Copper 8rowi Window 6cx/Shuf ters - C-jfermor." Metall.c 9495 6rey/bli« Diamond Peres • Guteritwy Mefallle 9360 GIosj Streafcs • DMC 43CO Indescent '.Vhite Lccves 6ute-'irdnr 8670 Grcen Flowers - fiord sequirs of your choicc and beads to secu-e

©CoptTięrl 2C<6 Soe fa-rc' i Ul Kt v fr.;k '- Sn*<ł-www.rnck.-srtehjwi


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