

T~" o r w\—;A--J__ i v\ e s

Thistle    Wild Flowcr Kit

Thcic pittcm detaili łhould be uied in conjunclion with Ihc Form-A-Linei General Instructioni tl the back of thii bcoklci.

“Out merat btinj the ncedle lirom the buk of Ihe woeh through to the front

“In al neam Uke the ncedle frotn the tight aide of the werk th/outh k> the back.

On many tectiont of thit óc»>tn tonie holet aee uied moce (han once.

Use a blue ca/d.

Flower pętali lllułtrated on flower 1 Out M A in at H Out at C in ai II Out at D in at D Out at E in al F Out at G in at F Coatinue thii leipiencc until the pętali are compSctc. Notę that the pętali are in five gtoupi. Flower brać U llluilratcd on flower 3 Out at A in at D Out at C in at D Out at E in al F Cootinue thii tojuence to out at K in at L 1hen:

Out at R in at F Out ai S in at T Out at U in y V Continuc thii tcqucnce to out at D in at Z Dackititch around the ouliidc of the bracti. Comptete the other flowen in a timilar way whiltt noting they have differing amounti of pętali and bracti.

Sl cm

Tlicie Form-A-I.inct initructkmł arc copyright O 2000 DJ Dcsigns and may not be reproduccd withoul pcrnuiiion. Publiihcd by Card Impirationi Tewin Hill Farm. Tcwin, Ikrti AI.6 OLU UK.

Tel: 01438 717000 FAX: 0143* 717477

llluilratcd on Hem I. Out at U in al V Out at U in at W Out at X in at Y Out al Z in at Y Compkte the other Jtcmi in a timiUr way. Notę (ton 4 Hop* and Hartl wherc it crojtcł kaf I and Mcm 2.

Lcuti - Centrę linę llluitratcd on kaf I Baeliititch the eentre linę unłil ccmpkte. i e. Out at 2 in at I Out at 3 in at 2 Out at 4 in at 3 Out al S in at 4

Leave* - Outline llluttrated on kaf I Backititch around the outline umil compktc, i.c. out at B in at A Out at C in at B Out at D in al C Out at U in at D

Leave» - Ihorns llluitratcd on kaf 2 »• Out at I in at 2 Out at 3 in at 4 Out at S in al Out at 7 in al Cootinuc thii tcqucncc until the thoms arc cocnpkte.

Stitch the other kaves in a similar way.


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