41302 mc02

41302 mc02

Which Are the Muscles of Posturę (Erection)? Our cquilibrium is maintaiued by thc opposmg aciieit) of the muscles of the anterior and posterior regions oi the body. The apparently singular part of it is that the muscles of posturę exert all downward pulls. On tlie otlier hand this is natura), for man is a physical objcct of deprcssion—built to resist gravitation in the per-pcndicular. The principal muscles in this scheme are the anterior leg and thigh muscles. The abdominal and throat muscles, those of tlie neck, back and the spinał column, the gluteal, hamstring and the calf mu>-es

Which Are the Most Important Muscles In the Back? The trapczius, latissimus dorsi and erector spinać muscles.

Which    Are    the    Most    Important    Muscles    In    the

Thigh? The quadriccps femoris, thc interuus vastus and the biceps muscles.

What Are the Most Important Muscles In the Calf?

The gastrocnetnius, solius, and the long peroneus muscle a long with the shin bonę musclc.

Which    Are    the    Most    Important    Muscles    In    the

Chest? The pcctoralis and the serratus magnus.

Which    Are    the    Most    Important    Muscles    in    the

Ifpper Arm? The biceps and triceps.

Which    Are    the    Most    Important    Muscles    In    the

Forearm? The pronators, the supinator loiigus and its accessory muscles.

Which    Are    the    Most    Important    Mnscles    In    the

Neck? The sterno mastoids.

Which Are the Muscles of Rotation? The muscles of rotation arc thc same as the muscles of prouation.

What Is the Inlerpretation of the LatisBimus Dorsi? "The Broad Back Muscle." „Though it does not covcr the broad of thc back as generally understood. laying somewhat lowcr, ncvertheless, dfie to its insertion onto ihc humerus bonc of tlie upper arms, exercise causes it to grcatly influence tlie spread of thc shoulders.

What Is the Interpretation of the Pectoralis? "Brcast Plater." The muscular armor of the chest.

What Is the Interpretation of the Serratus Magnus? "Saw Teeth." because of their serrated appcarancc which rescmbles a saw.

What Is the Interpretation of the Sterno Mastoids?

The lianie cxp!ains its oblique comieciions, the first part of thc name signilies its connection with thc sternum bonc of thc chest. thc sccond part implics con-nection with tlie mastnid bonę bchind the ear.

What Is the Interpretation of the Quadricep Fem-ons? Connectiye four-fold muscle

What Is the Interpretation of the Bicep? A two-i-.M muscle.

What Is the Interpretation of the Tricep? A muscle with a triple insertion.

What Is the Interpretation of the Sartorius? “The T:it!or's Muscle." because of its strap-like bindiitg ten-(Kncy on the other anterior thigh muscles

What Is the Interpretation of the Spinae Erector? "Pill.irs of thc spine."

What Is the Interpretation of the Trapezius Muscle? I his musclc derises its naine from its gcomctrical indication of a trapczium form—“like a trapczc." It was once known as thc “Monk's Cow!" muscle because of its liood-lihe sliape It is a remarkablc muscle, the muscle fihres are twisted in varicd forms making it versatile in its pulls The Pcctorals havc thc same similarity,


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