1 can OJJir my cotyratulatioru or sympathy.
Read the notes. Which are:
a messages of congratulation? b messages of sympathy?
W a rruick notc to confałnUeyou onpassing
Wttk love front
& jgr.
jpi Sam, 2
andtbree Bsisa areał resu/Ł Wclldonc. Iłsa fantastic achicrclcnt We're all rety proud of you.
Its such a shame that you didn't win the finał of the ootbal tournament. Still, you did really well to get to the finał and you played very well. Better luck next time!
Read the phrases we can use for starting a message of congratulation or sympathy. Which ones are used in the messages in exerclse 1?
I was really pleased/delighted to hear that...
Just a quick notę to congratulate you on + ing ...
It's fantastic/great news that...
It‘s such a shame that...
I was so sorry to hear that ...
lust a quick notę to say how sorry I was to hear ...
3 Complete the phrases with the words in the box. Which phrases could you use to end a message of sympathy, and which to end a message of congratulation?
all bad better fantastic next proud soon well
Best wi6hes Kate
. luck _
. time!
3 Get well
4 lt*s a_
. achievement.
5 We’re very_
6 We're_
7 It was really .
. ofyou.
■ Al ark,
i mas sc sorry fo hear hha-ł you. arerrł weJh / hope. łha-ł you. marę. a rjujcr renery and. ■aren! in hospiłal kor łoo tony fil comC and you. in a CjouplC- ed days.
li meJ! soon!
4 Write one message of congratulation and one of sympathy. Choose a situation from each list and use phrases from exercises 2 and 3.
Pisząc do kogoś z gratulacjami, możesz zacząć tak:
I was really pleased/delighted to hear that ... lust a quick notę to congratulate you on * ■ing ICs fantastic/great news that ...
Chcąc przekazać komuś wyrazy współczucia, możesz zacząć tak:
I was so sorry to hear that ...
lust a guick notę to say how sorry I was to hear that...
,J fantastJC news that you passed your Can you give me a lift into town th/s euening?
1 a friend won a photography competition
2 your cousin won an important tennis tournament
3 a friend passed a musie exam
A a friend got really good marks in the Matura exam Sympathy
1 a friend failed hls/her exams
2 a friend's cat died
3 a friend lost a wallet containing a lot of money A a friend fell and broke his/her arm
Wypowiedź pisemna Wiadomość z gratulacjami lub wyrazami współczucia
Unit 2 • Winningand losing f 21