The foliowi ng are hut extracts of letters, selected at random, from the thousands 1 hąve on file in my offices. Space does not permit me to reproduce complele lctters. as I would like to, as most of them are very lengthy. I have. therefore, just seleeted a few lines from a few of my mimerous pupils.
1 have never asked a pupil for a testimoniul. and the vast nuin-ber that 1 have. werc written voluntariły without any suggestipn from iue whatsoever, and you, readcr. will do the same if you enroll with me. I rtiight add that my youngest pupil is 11 years old and my oldest is 89 years of age.
-, N. Y.
Deak Fhif.nd: I likc ilu* instructions and the esercisc.* you sent nu* just finc. My biceps gnim-d a uuarter of an inch in circumferencę the lirst weck. That is morę than I gain«*d all summer by exerci»ing with dumbbells.
I appreeiatr your kind help and suggestions for my bad habit I mentioned. and I know I will overcomc it. A werk hu* passed and I am victurious. .
77 Bullock St.. Pawtucket, R I.
Deak Mn. hnnr.RMAN: I recelved your fourth lesaon. 1 wish to tell you thut 1 am progressing with grrut resułts und ferl stronger and better. I do not get tired a* quicklv as before I sturted your course. and I take this oppor tuniiy to etepress my thanks to you for tho w«inderful rcsults attained. I liave already outstripped many uf my friends in feats of slrength.
Wishing vou succrss in your Hf es work, 1 am,
Your*; sincerely, OMER DUBUC.
192 Mincrva St., Derby, Conn.
Diak Sm: . 1 am using *even eables iii ono of my e.\erriscs and
would likc to know if you imvc am pupils using morę than ten eables. I find your coursr i? satisfactory I have given up weight-Iifting. I ulao find your eour»e a quirk devcIopor. I li«vc deveIoped amu^ingly sinrc following up your couree. Yours sincerely, PRESTON SMITH.
213 Tentlt St., Sharpsburg. Pa.
Dean Mn. Lieufomam ... I hav© received your third lesson und ani much pleased mi fur. My oalf musrlrs havc deveIojtcd the most and lmvc inereased one inch already. 1 hope to make them anotner inch or morr higger. . . . My ncck ha* inereased 100 per cent. My calf and neck werc easiest
of all to develop. - - .