The following are but extracts of letters, selectcd at random, from liie thousands I have on file in my officcs. Spacc docs not permit me te reproduce complete letters, as I would like to, as most of them are
very lengthy. I have, therefore, just selected a few lines from a few
of my numerous pupils.
I have never asked a pupil for a testimonial, and the vast number that I have, were written voluntarily without any suggestion from me whatsoeecr, and you, reader, will do the same if you enroll with me. I
might add that my youngest pupil is 11 years old and my oldest ii
§9 years of age.
P. O. Box 210. Gold Hill. Orc.
DE AR MR. I.IEDERMAN: It may interest you to know that I succecded ia chinning mysclf with one arm thia moming, all due to your wonderful course.
There is a very noticeable improvement in my upper back and my round skeulders are straightening up. My greatest improvement has been in my shoul-ders and I now have a pair of which I am very proud.
Your neck excrciscs surely do the work. and you -n see by the measurement blank that I have been practising them. I am certai.ily well pleased with your course.
From the courses I had taken before, I had begun to believe that a pkysionl culturc correspondence course was nothing morę than sending matter. already printed, every 50 often. without the tcacher paying any attention to the pupil. Yomr course. howevcr, is a real correspondence course.
Thanking you again for your help. Yours respectfully.
R. R. No. 3, Box 104, Bcrne, Ind.
303 Broadway, N. Y. City.
BEAR FRIEND: I have received the last instructions and have completod
the course. Please accept my thanks for giving tne such a good opportunity to build up real muscle. and for the prompt and square treatment during the course. I harc really learncd all that I know about Fhysical Culiure from you. I have gained about 8 or 10 pounds sińce beginning your course, and I am much stronger. My neck has grown so that I had to get into larger collars a month ago.
Yours very truły,
--. N. Y.
DEAR FRIEND: I likc the instructions and the exercises you sent mc just
fine. My biceps gained a quarter of an inch in circumference the first week. That (• morę than I gained all summer by excrcising with dumbells.
I appreciate your kind help and suggestions for my bad habit I mentioned, uU I know I will overcome it. A week has passed and I am victorious.
77 Bullock St., Pawtucket, R. I.
DEAR MR. LIEDERMAN: I reccived your fourth lesson. I wish to tell jom that I am progressing with great results and fecl stronger and better. I do not get tired as qu:ckly as before I started your course, and I take this opportunity to express my thanks to you for the wonderful results attained. I have already o*t-■tripped many of my friends in łeats of strength.
Wishing you succcss in your life’s work, I am,
Yours ainccrely,
363 Clinton Ave., W. Hoboken, N. J.
DEAR MR. LIEDERMAN: The neck exercise is wonderful. My
neck inereased half an inch in size alread>.
Yours very truły,