My eye or nose streams.    □

My eye lid droops.    □

My pupil in the eye on the affected side is smaller than the other.    □

I sometimes find myself walking around or ‘dancing’ to cope    □

with thepain.

My temperaturę is normal.    □

The attacks occur in clusters of up to eight a day for a few weeks or    □


The pain usually lasts no morę than a couple of hours.    □

Other headaches and symptoms

Ifyou are aboutto tick any of these boxes, please see a doctor as soon aspossible as you might have a condition that reąuires immediate treatment.

The pain is sudden and very strong.    □

I have experienced numbness on one side of the body.    □

I have been vomiting AND have a high temperaturę.    □

I felt like someone hit me with a baseball bat on the back of the neck.    □


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