46807 pg060

46807 pg060

Advanced modelling

Strapless blocks

Tne strapless blocks in this se:tion fofłow class»c Imes favoured bv ces*gners of clothes for special occasions When -rade up in diftaont fabr>cs tney are suitabie for most chmates and for evenmg or caywear The blocks may be mode’.łed to the waist or to any ievel below this. and be shaped at the top o' lowor cdgcs to achicvo vanous dcsigns The ucper eogo of the ołock and the area ■mmediately under tho bos: neec a tighte' fit thsn the norma! stand aliows This t ghtoning can be dooe du^ng the truomg stago CHco tightened. the !04* will no ongor fit on the stand, so it is wse to keep a copy of the ongłnal. unaltered. to use as a fojndaton for other ad^anced styles Th s t»ghter»ng is essentia* it the błock is to be used withojt further styting. as m the sketcnes helów

B o:kt vwth no jrmhoW; onV MUlbk *«v « scpa’a:« imvo

Blocks wlth hall »n armłtot* swłt*t>l« for hslf armhoU    snd słiouktor dr«p#«


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