47095 IMGB58

47095 IMGB58

i • court-martial Court Qf Appc: Court of Rrote i Crown Court


smali .cloims .


tifluic sLlaiaU. ^entence tobecha

* SqcI dUo t&rcuO


“■ -Coun ima.Ltid/ miiitary dbcipline

A -OOiLLihoUSŁ-. 11 A -Cptintli C^?u.yt

Sc^d KlovłKOvou

lK.e olać** *

tl, c    /\ of human waMs

me tUtop£an Liouci fs a court wnfcn consiaer:

the European Convention tor the Protection of I

A r CttLpiPiimfcn-ł itLbu i:- a bc statute^ • Sqcl PtatM

1«tdi/utK> ICŁCLU

Ovtl % Sod Rtionowa

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lat Ru^ht: * CUfOpcjilu T\rubuvsaA QLr»    MittQ

sponsible for hea nrv

3 work-re

lUimicsACoarf a court which hear cases •* and vfclence m the home (a domesftc violence), and v sentenang in a Crown Court. * Scjol Po Koju

Sod Korontrslu

A .Coronert1 Court ?s a court presided over by a pu bi mvestigates sudden, unexpected and vioient deaths.

ł Koronn

Sod d/i . WrtO^nOSCi MtłV\SlUC>l

A Cmbito Opart is a court above the level ot a maaistrates court which hears cnrr

A LonoU. Inbunol is a court which deals with compensation cłatms

A GwymeręialCourt is a court w the Oueen s fiench Divi$ior (» one

High Court) which hears cases reiating to business disputes » Scjci Gospodarcuj

A rferyj hrthuiyil IS 3 COurt wf* icr aciUCicates

m return for bcrrowing somethmg ~ usualiv buitdings o»-lano - Scjd eta.

is the main civil court in England and Wałes a kiujłoki Tru^u.r\al

p    a    !b*su'ce

The ę>4rppoAA (purł is the court set up to see that tne pnnapi.es of iau . laio o\ •

of Romę are obsen/ed and appłied correctly in the European Union * Trubunat Sprayjteau vooa<j

A Ojirł pYoie.- is a court appomted to serve the interests of peopie wno aro not capabie o dealmgwiththeirown affairs, such as patienis who are mentaliy iii *• Sqd 0p*c*uricxu

The    is court which is part of the Oueen s Bench DMsion (see number \2 abwe?5

which deaoes m disputes mvolving ships - Sgd Morf Ki

The Cnuftnp^nl is the hignest coun of appeal in the United Kingdom (aithough appeuants unhappy with a decision madę here can appeal to the European Coun ot Justice) • Sąc* IS/qj w^*vłu


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