48894 S5002299

48894 S5002299


Bonę and antłer artefacts Stone artefacts



14. Industrial settlement, LT B2-C1    173

Dwdling and domestic actiuities    j 70

Burial component    J7g

Specialized (industrial) actiuities    170

Sapropelite ind ust ry    278

Production of iron    133

iron working    jgg

Food production    289

Settlement area and community area    19q

Summary    291

15.    The enclosure    194

Wooden enclosure    194

Enclosure by banks and ditches    195

Inner space    296    >

Function and chronology    298

16.    LT C2-D1 settlement unit    299

Dwdling and domestic actiuities    299

Food production    202    1

Summary    203    I


17.    Industrial settlement and industrial zonę    205

18.    Endosures and settlements    207

Endosed areas and their contact    207

Sacred and profane    209

Mśecke Zehrwice and the "Viereckschanzen"    211

Rectangular enclosures in Central Europę    212


MARK BEECH: Animal bones frora Mśecke Żehrovice    225

PETR DRDA: Reconstruction of the structure 0/87    259

ANDELA KU2VARTOVA: Petrography of rocks and stone tools    265

JAN N. LANTING: Radiocarbon data    271

ANTONIN MAJER: Soil phosphate analysis    #    273

FRANTlSEK MAREK: Magnetic prospection    277

M. RUTH MEGAW - J. V. S. MEGAW: The stone head from Mśecke Żehrovice:

an essay on the human head in early Celtic art    281

EV2EN NEUSTUPNt: Notes on radiocarbon dates    293

EMANUEL OPRAVIL: Plant macro-residues    295

RADOMIR PLE1NER: Production of iron at Mfieckć Zehrovice    305

PAVLA VALTEROVA: Palynology of the Kounov-type sapropelite    321

BOŻENA ŻAKOVA: Petrology of the Kounov-type sapropelite    323

Bibliography    315

Appendices    327

Summary ■ Sommaire - Souhrn    349


p*ig. 1. The settlement, enclosure and burial at MSeckó 2ehrovice, sito I, and other La Tfene period sites in the nearest vicinity.

Fig. 2. Mflockś 2ehravice I: air view.

Fig. 3. The geomorphology of the sito of MSeckó 2ehrovioe.

Fig. 4. Excavationa 1943: a) Archaeologist lvan Borkovsky b) Digging in the vicinity of the pit with the stone head.

Fig. 5. Excavations 1943: a) S bank of the enclosure. b) W bank of the Southern half of the enclosure. Fig. 6. The enclosure: a) E bank of the northem half of the enclosure (1992). b) N ditch of the Southern half of the enclosure (1943).

Fig. 7. MSeckó 2ehrovice: investigations on the site.

Fig. 8. Archaeological trenches 1979-88 in the narthern part of the investigated area and their inner division (aectors).

Fig. 9. Geodetic profile* of the enclosure.

Fig. 10. Finds before 1979.

Fig. 11. Artefacts accompanying the stone head in the pit found in 1943: original photographs.

Fig. 12. Cremation grave 1/1977: a pair of branże ankieta.

Fig. 13. Non-stratified La Tfene period finds.

Fig. 14. Iron bloomery slag conglomerate.

Fig. 15. Banks and ditches of the enclosure.

Fig. 16. Eastem bank and ditch in trench 3.

Fig. 17. Eastem bank in trench 17.

Fig. 18. Eastem bank and ditch in trench 12.

Fig. 19. Northem bank and gullies in trenches 21 and 24.

Fig. 20. Profile in trench 18.

Fig. 21. Gullies in the area of the walled enclosure, in trenches 1979-88.

Fig. 22. Gullies in trench 20.

Fig. 23. Location of morę important features.

Fig. 24. North-eastera corner of the enclosure. Trenches 11A to 11J, 22, 30.

Fig. 25. Profiles of pits and gullies in trenches 11 and 19.

Fig. 26. Eastem bank and ditch in trench 11B.

Fig. 27. Eastem bank and features in trench UH.

Fig. 28. Northem bank in trench 22.

Fig. 29. Pits in trench 19 and other isołated pits.

Fig. 30. Features in trench 29 (and 12).

Fig. 31. Profiles of pits in trench 29.

Fig. 32. Features in trench 31-32.

Fig. 33. Excavations 1988. Plan of the building 0/87.

Fig. 34. Western bank and northem bank of the Southern half of the enclosure in trenches 31-32.

Fig. 35. Features in trench 31-32.

Fig. 36. Features in trench 31-32: pit profiles Fig. 37. Features in trench 31-32: pit profiles.

Fig. 38. Building 0/87: phases of construction.

Fig. 39. Building 0/87: density of burat day fragments.

Fig. 40. Features in trenches 5,7,14,15 and their profiles.

Fig. 41. House 7/81.

Fig. 42. Sunken huts.

Fig. 43. Excavations 1985-86. a) Sunken hut (feature 3/86) • sapropelite workshop? b) Iron ore roasting pit (feature 27/85).

Fig. 44. Sunken huts.

Fig. 45. Industrial feature 1/79 (bloomery workshop).

Fig. 46. Industrial features.

Fig. 47. Excavations 1986. a) Reheating furaace (feature 11/86). b) Industrial feature 48/86 of undeter-mined function.

Fig. 48. Industrial feature 38/86.

Fig. 49. Description system for pottery vesael forms and bases.

Fig. 50. Description system for pottery: vessel rims.


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