
Grade is based on written essay and activity during lectures

Management of Development





Lectures: 15








Lecture Teacher: Elżbieta Wojnicka-Sycz, PhD E-mail ewojnicka@wzr.ug.edu.pl

Content/ Course Description:

During the course students will learn how to prepare and implement strategies and programs of development in public administration of central, regional and local levels and how to take part in this process as an advisor or subcontractor. The course will prepare students for work both in public authorities and consulting firms.

1.    Theories of economic growth and development

2.    Theories of regional/local growth and development

3.    Determinants of development from empirical perspective

4.    The model of territorial growth pole as the system of development factors

5.    Procedurę of preparation of regional and local strategies of development in Poland

6.    Procedurę of preparation of strategies and policy programs on domestic level in Poland

7.    Procedurę of implementing programs co-financed by EU funds

8.    Research projects carried out for public authorities and their policy making process - how to apply

The lecture will be based on author’s own experience as an expert in the process of preparation of regional development and regional innovation strategies as well as development programs and strategies on domestic level.


1.    Capello R., Nijkamp P. (red.) (2009) Handbook of regional growth and development theories, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK, Northampton, MA, USA

2.    Capello R. (2011) Location, Regional Growth and Local Development Theories AESTIMUM 58, Giugno 2011: 1-25

3.    Hayami Y., Godo Y, (2005), Development economics From the Poverty to the Wealth of Nations Third Edition, Oxford University Press, New York

4.    Barro R.J, Sala-i-Martin X. (2004) Economic growth, The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, London, England

5.    E.Wojnicka-Sycz (2013) Model terytorialnego bieguna wzrostu jako system czynników rozwojowych, Sopot, maszynopis

6.    E.Wojnicka, M.Tarkowski, P.Klimczak, "Przestrzenne i regionalne zróżnicowania ośrodków wzrostu. Polaryzacja a wyrównywanie szans rozwojowych. Przesłanki dla kształtowania polityki regionalnej państwa.", ekspertyza dla Ministerstwa Gospodarki i Pracy dla potrzeb Narodowej Strategii Rozwoju Regionalnego, marzec 2005

7.    E.Wojnicka (2006) Analysis of the regional and national trends in innovativeness, entrepreneurship and economic growth in the Mazovia region, expertise for the RIS -Mazovia Project co-financed by 6th Framework Program

8.    E.Wojnicka , Regional disparities and growth poles In Poland, Polish Market November 2010

9.    E.Wojnicka (2007) “Procedura przygotowania wniosku aplikacyjnego innowacyjnego projektu" w: T.Pasterz (red.) „ Efekty wdrażania działania 2.6 Regionalne Strategie Innowacyjne i transfer wiedzy ZPORR w województwie podkarpackim . Źródła finansowania innowacji w latach 2007 - 2013. Przewodnik.” Urząd Marszałkowski Województwa Podkarpackiego

Grading: Grading based on class participation and homework - an essay (1500 words, at least 5 references) on selected problems connected with development process


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