49713 Ittman 47

49713 Ittman 47


Excrcise No. 6.

The piąte shows thc hands in the correct position, with the tingers prcssing against eacli otlier, but they arc about reidway in their course. Now get the same position wi\h thc hands, but lower tliem until thev touch the boęiy. Now fili the lungs by expanding the abdomen Hast, then the whole frame until chest is swelled to iU limit. Now press the hands hard to-gether, draw i<v the stornach, hołd the breath and raise the hands abo\\e head and lower ihem again. This is excellent for thc\chest muscles, or pectoralis major and minor, as well as for the lungs. The main thing to be observed in this txercisc is to keep thc fingers pressing hard together all tjirough the action.


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