MODEL copyright 2005 Michael T Haggard Star Trek is a Trademark and is a Copyright of Paramount Studios
The PTB o news madę libenal use of the "experimental" naturę of the PTB's mission parameter. It gave them license to make some net hen intenesting modifications. The most well known and universal of these modifications became standandized in laten PTB manufacturing ondens and became the basis of futune design panametens in othen Stanship Classes.
The two most intenesting cnew initiated design modificaitons did not find thein way into a standand design until 80 yeans laten in the Expeniemtnal DEFIANT pnoject. The Defiant had a neanly opposite pnoblem in that it was oven-powened fon its size. Howeven, similan "pnoblem" solving modifications and design notes fnom the PTBs engineens wene used to solve the Defianfs pnoblems. These systems wene the DSVS and the DPDP.
The DSVS on Dynamie Sheild Vaniance System consenved powen by using a computen tie in that enengized shields closen to thneats and de-enengized shields wene thneats wene weakest. They also wene able to lowen shield powen consumption between known thneat weapon cycling times. The DPDP on Pynamic Phasen Distnibuted Powen tied phasen bank plasma conduits fnom the Wanp Cone to the tactical tangeting computen so that only "needed" phasen banks necieved plasma. The time fnom "fully powened" to "on standby" and back again was measuned in 1 Oths of a second, but powen savings wene significant oven battle-time.