53532 smpb 44

53532 smpb 44

Diseasc waits for every Coreless youth



No. I

Question: Iłów long does your course lastt

Answcr: My course consists of twelve indi-vidual lessons which are mailcd to you each wcck. This makes the entire coursc last three months but you arc my pupil for lifc aml can cali upon mc at any timc for apccial Information without estra charge.

No. 2

(Juestion: Doet your course consist merely of exercisest

Answcr:    Nol My instructiona cmbrace far

morę chan just tucercises. You gct spe-cializcd instructions on diet, bathing, overcoining bad hahits and diseasc, and many other subjects which no other dircc-tor bas cvcr thought of giving.

No. 3

(Juestion:    Will your methods overcome dis-

ease as well as build musclef

Answcr: * AbsolutelyI See page 21 for a list of the dłsorders that arc bcing suc-cessfulły treated by my system. Dr. Til-ney and mysclf make a spccialty of sucb cascs.

No. 4

(Juestion: Are any weights, exercises or other apparatus reguired in your coursef

Answcr: No. I sccurcd my perfect devclop-inent without the aid of any appliancc or apparatus. My pupila attain far bet-ter results without such artificial aids. Through my methods one can become far stronger naturatly than through other systems using bar-bclls and ezcrciaing dcviccs.

No. 5

(,fundom:    Do you guarantee resulisf

Answcr: Yes. Unless 1 can help you I don’t want your money. Follow my instructions faithfully until the etui of the course and if you have not attaiucd results your complctc fee will be immediatcly re-funded.

No. 6

(Juestion:    Have you ever bćen a pupil of

another inslructor?

Answcr:    Nol Absolutcly no! I devclopcd

my marvclous physique through a system all my own—diflrerrnt from any other in the world. 1*11 givc anyone $500 if they can prove that I evcr took the course of any other director.

No. 7

Questio*:    Can your course be conweniently

practised at home!

Answcr: Yes. You can follow my instructions anywhere cvcn while travelling on trains or !iving at hotel*. 'rhere are no hcavy, bulky wcights or łoceicisefs to carry nround. Several of my pupils arc travcling salesmcn and actors and they are uccuring wonderful results.

No. 8

(Juestion:    Is a medical examinaliots neces-

sary be farę enrolling zuith yout

Answcr:    No. By faithfully filling in the

analysis blank and tclling me just wbat you wisb to accomplish I can intelli-gcntly plan your coursc.

No. 9

{Juestion: Is it necessary to be e.ramincd by you in persont

Answcr:    No. However if you are located

ncar New York 1 shnll bc glad to see you by appointmcnt to carcfully go over your casc. This is not necessary, bow-cver, as all the Information rcquired can bc put on the analysis blank.

No. 10

(Juestion: I am living aw-ay from home and am obliged to eat in hotels and restau-rants. Will I be able to follow your diet instructionsf

Answcr: My instructions on this point, while the best that can bc had, arc very sim-ple and easy to follow. No matter where you eat they can be adhered to without inconvcnicnce.

No. 11

(Juestion: I am 65 years old. Will your course benefit met

Answcr: Most assurcdlyl Agc is no barricr to the rcvitalizing influence of my instructions. I can and will help you just aa I am doing for lhousands of other pupils ranging from cbiidrcn to men past 60.

No. 12

(Juestion: Are my letters held in strict <on-fidencef

Answcr:    Yes. Dr. Tilney and myself arc

the only ones who rcad thern and they are then fded in a fireproof loeked cab-inct. Write fully of your troubles and ambitions with the ossurance that your seCTcts will bc carefully guarded.

Accuse not Naturę, she hath done her part do thou but thine



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