56336 P1200420

56336 P1200420

13. Hallstatt grave 299. Dotringen tumulus 11, Weichering tuniulus 2, Kissing, Cha-veria tumuli 2 and 16. Kalhausen, Semoutiers, SundhofTen, and Rekem grave 72. (ndeed. where iron is found. the objects oftcn seem not to be of local manufacture: the iron shaft-hole axes from Gorsze wice grave 33 and Platćnice grave 20. and the iron •ArmchenbeiT from Gorszewice grave 17 could have come from the East20.

The scarcity of iron in chese graves suggests that iron may still havc been uncommon in (his early horizon of the Hallstatt period. AIthough iron manufacture had long been practised in the Umfield period, bronze was still used for most artefact types (swords. spearheads. horse-gear, wagon fittings etc.). The reliance on bronze in the Gtłndlingen hori/on and the rapid adoptton of iron in Ha Cl represents an important cultural changę during the early Hallstatt period. The abrupt change of raw materiał is presum-ably causally rełated to the contemporary disruption and colłapse of the western net-work of long-range contacts mentioncd above.

Type A

-    Emmerting-Gcndorf, Kreis Altotting: Kossack 1959,189; p|. 115,3.

-    Kiełpino, pow. Kołobrzeg: Parę 1989, 88, fig. 8.

-    Lengenfeld, Kreis Neumarkt in der Obcrpfalz. tumulus of 1894: Torbrugge 1979, 307-8; pl. 70, 13-14.

-    Mindelheim, Kreis Mindelheim, tumulus9: Kossack 1959,169; pl. 23,5.

-    Pfedmćfice, okr. Hradec Kralov& Werner 1961, 385, fig. 1,4.

-    Woskowice Małe(Lorzendorf), pow. Namysłów: Grempler 1899,195ff.; 197, fig. 10.


-    By lany, okr. Kolfn, grave 1 of 1895-96: Pfć 1897,382-3; pl. 42,7.

-    Eskelhelm, Gotland, Sweden: Parę 1989,89. fig. 9,2.

-    Grebbin, Kreis Parchim, Schwerin: Lisch 1837,158; pl. 33,9; Beltz 1910,254; pl. 43, 96; Sprockhoff 1956, 254; 288; pl. 58,12.

-    Kissing, ‘Lechfeld’, Kreis Aichach-Friedberg: Krahe 1985,42f.; 43, fig. 8,13.

-    Litomeficę-jih, Weigendova piskovna, inhumation grave 1: Zśpotocky 1964,162-4; 164, fig. 7,1.

-    Mónchsdeggingen-Ziswingen, Kreis Donau-Ries: Anon. 1987, 116; 106, fig. 70,5.

-    Platćnice, okr. Pardubice. Danćk grave 20: Pić 1903,482-3; pl. 53,5; Hrałova 1965, 132ff.; 135, fig. 1,3.

-    Platćnice, okr. Pardubice, stray find: Pić 1907, pl. 33,6.

-    Pullach, Kreis Munchen, tumulus 1, group ‘Nord’: Kossack 1959,214; pl. 79,1-2.

-    Tannheim, Kreis Biberich, tumulus 9: Geyr and Goessler 1910,37ff.; pl. 12,7.

-    Zaborowo, pow. Wolsztyński: Yirchow 1875 (154)ff.; pl. 11,6.


-    Gauting, Kreis Stamberg: Kossack 1959,221; pl. 88,4-5.

-    Hallstatt, Upper Austria. grave 196: Kromer 1959, pl. 22,12.

-    Platćnice, okr. Pardubice, stray find: Pić 1907, pl. 33,2.

-    ‘Near Regensburg': Potratz 1966, 205. fig. 88, d.



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