54900 jow05 06

54900 jow05 06

Pr.oręloo 18,

You ronowber how you porfbrnod rxorolaa naibor ais.

Tfoll, thla la a alaw oćltior. #f that «xorelao*

The orooptlona aro*

At you ralae the Hilcru: Balia .*orw*rti# nouaa niwa they ar© on a lovnl wlth your shoulUora, and wlthout bonding bacie ft-on the oroct poaltion continua to ralao tiara to arti*a lo^gth ovor‘ve«d.

ytor: tha ororhand poaltion lowor tho rUlcror. nella down aidawaya untll thay ara on a atralght lino wlth your ahouldora.

Thrcw your ohost out and your hond bad: and pauoe thoro a norwmt. Kino on your tooa and thos lowor ao tho aldoa, oxhaling ao you cara to tha aroct poaltion*

Thla oxoreico la a good uppor body dovolopor wlth ■poolal proforonca civon to tho ohoat, uppor baek, and tha deltolda*


Don*t forpot that thla azarolao la dono aoderatoly aIow.

Don*t fOrpot to leoap your body aa atralght aa poaaible*

Don*t noploct to kaep your arna atralght and to roaeh OUT to tha llalt aa thoy aaoond and do.ncond*

Praotioa thla norenont eix tlnea and In era aa o ona aorenoot orory tMrd praotlco rlpht untll twe lre rapctltlona aro nada*

nxerelse 19*

rou dok tnka up your poaltion eittlng down on tho floor*

Hołd tho TUlena 3olla at tha ahouldora and arom thoro ralaa the* In a nodoratoly ałow motlon untll thoy aro at arn»a lonęth otorhaad.

That la roniły your FlilbT poaltion ln thla wwrclae*

flrcra that poaltion lowor GUS ara bank to tho ehouldor and leoap tha other urn hołd ororhaad.

Prom thla poaltion ralaa tha lowerod nm to om*a lanpth ani aa you do na lowor tho other ara ao that both arrn will ba travollng ln oppoaito dlroetlona Tor tha count ef aix ropotttlona.

Erory thlrd practloa nlęht add ono nora ropetit!on untll tweIr© repatitlona aro reaohod*

Thla oxorolaa la raluablo to tho trloapa of your arna. the Trapoilua and latlaalrua Doral auselea* 670B—5-d


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