57931 m85

57931 m85

Far left

Anglo-Saxon spearheads, that on the left from the 8th to ioth centuries period, others from the ioth to uth centuries. Ali ex-cept the right-hand exam-ple have split sockets.


‘Winged’ spearhead found in the Thames: this type was in use from the 8th to uth centuries.

Arms and Armour

The main weapon of the Anglo-Saxons was the spear, not only for the Fyrd but also for the professional soldiers and even the lords: it was the traditional weapon of Woden and remained the weapon par excellen.ce among Germanie peoples even during the 11 tli century. At the battle of Maldon in 991 the eoldorman Byrhtnoth led his men into battle armed with spear and shield, and it was only after he had killed two men with his spear, and had been wounded twice, that he drew his sword to engage a third man. Under Knut, the heriot (war trappings) due to the king on the death of an earl (in cffect the return of gifts given during the earfs life) was eight horses, four helmets, four mail shirts, eight spears, eight shields and four swords. The heriot of a thegn was half that, and these figures suggest that at least in the later period twice as many men were armed with spear and shield as were armed with mail shirt, helmet, spear, shield


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