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An adapiation ofthe monument of architecture for a new function is usually peiformed within the framework of 'complex consen-ation/restoration activities. It is determined by a number of facto rs, out ofwhich the most important are: comprehensive knowledge of the monumpm and its evafuanoti. of spadal/functiomł layout is cnicial foradap-
latióii łieeds. Tlił I18W fiłllSfWn should be „łnscribsd" and fiOT „cut inia” the historie lny aut of the bullding. This Is condiiioned by a proper dwice - fltting utilisarion program to a given building, for not every function is suitable for every monument. Adapiation corre-sponding with the modem consemation doctrine, apart from the spatiaUfunctional layout, respects also artistic values ofthe work and its authentic substance, limiting the necessary new supplements to the indispensable minimum. Those new supplements however, harmo-niously combine with the architectonic work, being in the same time distinguishable by bearing the „hallmarks of our times”, not to produce dissinuilation. For the same reason the new elements keep the air and standard of the monument.
The realisation of such correct adapiation is mainly dependent of the investor — user and ofthe designer — architect. Thefirst shouldfeel certain liking and respect for the historie heritage, while the other — apart from technical knowledge - should be familiar with conservation doctrine. And, first of all, he should display humility in dealing with the monument so as not to overcome the ancient work of architecture with his own, arbitrary conception.