64887 speed 4

64887 speed 4

F o i* m ~y\ - F i v\ e. s

Motorcycle    Spced Kit

TT.csc pattcm dctaiU shculd bcused :n con;unclion with t!:c Fornt-A-Lincs General Instiuction shcet.

"Out at mcans bring ihc nccdk firom thc back et’ihc werk tkrough :o thc Iron: "In at . mcans tako thc ncedle ftom thc right sidc of thc work ihrough to thc back On many sections of .his design some hoks are us>cd morę (han once Slatc thread on whitc card.

Out at O i:i at P

Out at Q in at R ' “ ^

Contmuc this scqucncc im:., thc tyic is complete. Ali holes arc uscd twkc. Work thc hack whccl in a stnilar wajr

Start a ncw scqucncc at l ' .I ..t < ' Ul .!' i I Out at I in at J Out at K in at L Continuc th-.s scqucnec utv.il thc spokes comp.ctc. Ali holes are used oocc Starta ncw scqucńcc at Out at M i:: at \

Whcels * " -V Shown on front whee.

Out al A in at M Out at C in a: D Out at E in al F Continuc this scqucncc umil thc ccntrc et' thc u-heel is coiupkto. Ali holcs aro uscd lwice.

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8»:k Wheel

Cupytiyhi Z 200-I OJDcęigai

Front uiudguttd Out at S in at T '

Out at U inat V Out at W :n a: X Cominuc th-.s$equcnce tu Out at Y in at T Work thc back mudguard in a similar way.


Out at I ir. at 2 Out at 3 ir. at -1 Out at 5 ir at 6 Oominuc th.s scquence until thc shicld is complete.

Front Suspens ior.

Out at Z in at A Out at F. in at t


Out at a inat b , . ,

Out at e in at il Out at e in at f Contim* this scqucncc umil thc tank i> complete. Ali IkiIcs are uscd lwice lor thc tank. Sonic also sharc with othet patts


Out at g in at h

Out at i in atj

Out at k in at I

Contim* this scqucr.cc to

Out at nt in at :i


Out at o in at p Out at q m at r Out at s in at t Out at u :n at \

Out at w in at x Ou: at y in at x Out al u in at Out at u in at p Out at o in at /.


Work thc ridcr in backstitch using thc illiLstration as a guide.

Thesc Form-A-I.ines instructions arc copyright O 20*>i I) J Dcsigns and may not bc rcproduced without permission.

PublUhed by Card Inspirations Yewir. Iltll Farm. Tcwin, Hens AI.60LL. L K. Tcl 01438 717000 FAX: 01438 717477


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