

F o łAm~y\-F i hes

ButterflY 2    Bultcrfly Kit

These paltom    jhoutd be twod in oonjunction with the Fomi-A-Liitct General

hnuuetioci shect.

•Out at..."mcam biuig the ncedlc f«un iho tuekof the »e* throogh to tłvr Iroct. "In at..." meant lako tlić necdlc froai the nght aide of the n«d ihroajh to lł»c hicir. On iruny scctions of tlii» design sotne holes aro tnol morc than oncc.

Confetti pilik thrc.nl and gokl bcadi on wbito card.

UM' 1

Mowers riower |

Out at A in at U (hit at C in at l>

Out at I: in at F Out at (> iii at II Work the olher tlowcr scctions in a similar wajr.

Lcaf I

Out at I in at J Out at K in at L Out at M in at N Coniinuc this scqi*cncc unńl lcaf I is complolo


Work lcaf 2 in a similar wayusing the (inidted illustration as a guide


Work the steni in backslitch.

Buttertly Wings Seclton I

riic.se Fonn-A-Lincs insiruetions are copyright C 2000 D J rx-»igns and ntay not be (cproduccd withoui pennission.

Fublished by Card litspitations Tcssin Iliii Farm. Tewin, Hcrts AL6 01.1.. l,.'K. Tel: 0I43S 717000 FAX: 01438 717477

Shown iii Ihc repeatcd diagram.

Oui at O in al 1’

Out at 0 >it at K Out at S in al T Continwc tliis scrjiience umil scction I is complctc.

Work lite otlter wing sccltons iii a similnr iwy using the illustration as a guide. Notę tlut cach scction i\ a dilTcrcnt si/c and shapc.

We suggest tltal >x>u start with tltc lower linę sltown on cacli scction and Work in a eloekwise dircciion. llowevcf, the dtoicc of shuting littc is nol cfilical to the lock of the linished tesult.


Work ihc antcnna in back stitclt using Ihe illustration as a guide, slilclt a bcad at tire cml ofcach antcnna.


Stilch a row of bcads for the bosly using the tiniOicd illustration as a guide. The bcads aro threaded on a single stiteh.


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