1.391*4 r
(MM Eiror
4.386e-4 4.7G2e-7 3 5.118e-7
n=0 351 porowatość
k rfdt(h)sHs^div(grad(h)) {one possibiifly)
IfCONSTRAINTS {Integral constrałnts )
START(-10,10) {Walk ibe domałn boundaiy} value(h)=1G UNETO(-4,1Q) n«iu(a#K) Hm to (-4,6.5) value(h)=y Ime TO (-4,6)
natural(h)=G Ime to (-4,-0.5) to f3 98,-0.5) TO (-3.98,0) natural(h)=0 Une (0.0)
natural(h)=0 Ime to(0,-6 5) to (-10, -6.5) to close
["{vałue(h)=10 UNE TO (-4,10)
na!ura?(h)=0 linę to (-4,-0.5) TO (-3.98,-0 5) TO f 3.98,0)
na!ural(h)=0 linę (0,0)
TIME 0 TO 60*3600 (tf t)me dependent} MONITORS ( show Progress)
Contour(h) painted
{save resu« displays)
! for fc=G by 12*3600 to 60*3600
Contour(h) pamted