71606 P1190365

71606 P1190365

286 Ellbida Miigonatt Kłosińska

The most iniensive contacts liriked the Lublin region with cnst Europcan and south-cast huropean zonę. as well as with the eastcrn part of the Carpalhian Basiu In the case of the latter. perhaps not only migrations of mcrchants-metallurgists i.Hit place, or c\en of minor groups of population. but also experience exchange (e.g. in pottery production) based on cohabitation of a ccrtain territory. Such a Ninwiuon was undoubtedly idcntified regarding the Tarnobrzeg group of the Lusa-nan cułture (Czopek 2003: 224). In the case of the Lublin region it is an important novełty.

Quiic surprising are the strong connections joining the Lublin region with the forrst-steppe /one dominated by population which was under the influence and pcosuie of Eurasian Nomads Herc occurred comparatively numerous artefaets of Cimrocnan and Scythian. or Thraco-Cimmenan and Thraco-Scythian prov-enance. Probabły those objects did not reflcct exchange relationships It secnts that as early as at the end of the Bronze Age sotne groups of population front the south-cast. e.g. from the Dnicstcr regtons. started to appeur in the Lublin region. The> searchcd for good living farming conditions. and yicldcd under the pressure of warłike steppemen \Vhat is interesting. that the carliest artefaets illtiscrating that process wete found in the area. where sonie enclaves of steppe vegetation survived until toda\ Thi> may indicate that the migrating people searchcd for areas good for pasturage.

It scems that the changes in the cultural character of the Lublin region, which took place in the second half of the early Iron Age. could have been pteceded by sonte larger tnflow of the population from the south-cast. which was an echo of ihe evcnts desenbed as the migration of Ncuri. Those changcs were expresscd by dissemtnation of new pottery and jc» ellery forms in the whole discussed territo-r>. hut also b> appearance of new fcatures in burial rites. Th en probabły we may speak about assimilation of new cultural elements which took place during migra-taonof population process (as a result of e.g. cxogenous mamages). Obscnations madę al the ccmetery in Krupy, communc of Michów, indicatcs such possibility - mat of cremated dead were buried not only in timber coffins but in ums and pMs iFig 9 i.e rcspccting traditional burial norms for the Lublin region.

An interesting iśsue connected with exchange of goods and flow of cultural currmts is creating communication routes along which these phenomena occur-nd. The courae of the routc was conditioned by natural cmironment of that timc. and mkik of its elements constituted important bcnchmark making a tnwcl casicr. Beyond questton. nvers were the besł signposts. We may suppose that the basie communtcaiKW artery hnking the Lublin region with Silesia. Grcat Polami and kujasia ran alntg the Vistula river. Its role. perhaps duc to insufhcicnt cxiunina-twm. ifi undervalued by tesearchcrs (Dąbrowski 1985: 48). The fact that we ob-■cne duacmmation of forcign provenancc objects in the Lublin tegion induccs

' Stouiar oonrhmaai concctmng pottery uf eastcrn provenance in the maiensK of the Tan** havc been recctuly presented by S. Czopek (200.1

pjga, that the rivers Bug. Wieprz and SoloWua. which their irppei I tteough Roztocze, played an important role in this respect. Another

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