On the left side of the pullover sweater, puli the stitches through with a crochet hook and lift them onto the knitting needle.
In order for the collar to turn well, the stitches have to bo bound off loosely.
compared with stockinetre stitch. always scw around 2 crosswbc threads «>t thc rihbing and altcmaicly a wholc stitch twicc, and a hali stitch once on rhę swcater, or altcrnatcly a wholc stitch and a half stitch. de-pcnding on rhe gaugc. Scw rhe undcrneath part of thc collar on with slip stitchcs.
From the side: The front edge forms a straight linę. The collar stitches should not be bound off loo tightly.
Rm- thc slantcd edge ot' this cardigan (bottotn photo), thc dccrcuses wcrc workcd evety fifth rem. over thc rhird nnd tourth stitch in cach instuncc. On rhe right side ot rhe cardigan. knit thc 2 stitchcs together in a row on thc right side of rhe work, purl thern together in a row on lik; wrony side oł thc \vofk. Ot che lełt side of thc iK-ckline, work a Mngjc dccrv.cc in a row on thc right side of tltc work; work a single purl dectvn.se in a row on thc wrong siile of the work (page 54). It the gaugc ealls for dccrciises every tourth or sixth row, they are workcd only in thc ruws on the right side ot the work.
For the collar, itrst pick up thc sritches tn>m the hack necklinc. as dcscrihed for thc pulkwcr swcatcr, rhen start picking up trom the slantcd edges at thc etui ot’cvcry row (herc. you pick up 5 stitclies each time). At thc same timc, when the collar is aboni -V<" Iong at the hack neckline, work thc inereases for the necessary fullness of thc collar.
At tlve end of the slanted edge on rhe front, along thc straight edge. pick up 3 stitchcs ovcr -I n»s, i -r, depending on the gaugc and how you knit, -ł stitchcs hut 5 nnvs (sec knit-on fncings, pages 60tt.), aikl work ovcr .dl tik; stitchcs umil >nu rcach the desired tacing length.
At the back neckline, work several double inereases for the necessary collar fullness.