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morę and correct them. lunchs X lunche.s clients    _

1    holidaies _

2    hotels _

3    partys _

Look at the pictures and write sentences about Clive’s day. Use the verbs and phrases in the boxes.

watch finish eat go read get

a sandwich the news work to bed the bus to work his emails

4 Six of these plural nouns are wrong. Find five

4    pizzaes

5    sandwichs

6    sharks

7    studios

8    knifes



Complete the questions. Then write the answers.

What’s this ?

It’s a laptop Computer.

What are_?


What’s lt’s a

6 a Look at the ‘personal possessions’ vocabulary on page 23. Copy the table and write the objects.











DVD player


A He gets the bus to work at guarter past eight.

2 Complete the sentences and questions with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

She finishes work at five o’clock. (finish)

1    They_at ten o’clock on Sundays. (get up)

2    _he_a good job? (have)

3    I_to English lessons in the evening. (go)

4    She_the house in the morning. (clean)

5    What_you_on Saturday

afternoons? (do)

b Look at the ‘routines’ vocabulary on page 23. Write the verbs in the order you do them during the day.

1 get up 2 wash 3 have breakfast

Put the words in the correct order to make questions.

to you work When go do When do you go to work?

1    she afternoon What does do in the ?

2    have Where does lunch he ?

3    to work Do take the train you ?

4    does finish he When work ?

5    What in you evening do do the ?

e Who does these things in their work? Write the jobs.

organises peopie on holiday holiday rep

1    washes people’s hair_

2    repairscars_

3    sells things in a shop_

4    invents and makes machines_

5    helps students at school_

6    cleans the house_

7    works in a bank_


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