used as a cover over the working surtacc. Ali blobs o: adhesiee can be wiped on to the edge and you will have thc advantage o/ knowing exactly where they are. Tacky tissue ran easily catch on dothing and, oncc the adhesiee smcars, it is not difficult to cmerge after a session with a lancy outfit deckcd willi stray pelals!
Whenevcr possible, aim lo complele one miniaturę during one session, including the sealingand framing, becnuse the materia! rannot be leftuncoeered especially in a room which is only used occasionally. It will soon beoome limp and uselcss orcurl up around the edges. Dried materiał shouid be stored in conditions similiar to those used for pressing: a slack with inserted sheets nf corrugated cardbuard is a convenient met bod. It is inadvisablc to storę picces in cmelopes becnuse the brittlc materiał will snap intofragment* shouid they rub together. After a whilc, you will amass an assortinent of particie*, loose petals and oddments and these shouid be stored together in a set and dearly marked. I his mixed pack will prove extremciy useful when searching for tiny finishing touches with which to complele an airangemcnl.
Until you become accustomed to handJing materiał with confidencc, it is best to restrict your lirst arrange-ments to a few well-chosen picces. Onet* the earious methods of securing the pieces have been mastered, you will be able to create an infmite variety of original work. 'I he following arrangements are just a few sug-gestions i roni thc potenrial rangę.
Providing cach thickncss is correctly pnsirioned, leavcs can be oeerlappcd into grace ful swagS to form an elegant base for flowcr heads. To make a simple swag, selccl one well-defined leaf with a straight central vein, like an lvv, and rwo curling leaves. When using two Ieaves which point in the same direction it niight be necessaiy to turn one upside down in order to continue