Description of motion of a mobile robot...
Ali generalized velocities can be noted on the basis of eąuation (2.2) as qi = xa = ^ (di + ^2) cos (3 = ~{e\ + Ć2)cos/? = Cne 1 + C21Ć2 + G\
92 = VA = ^(di + 0-2) sin/? = ^(ei + e2) sin/? = C^ei + C22Ż2 + G2
93 = P = 7^-(di - 0:2) = rj-(ći - e.2) = Ci3ei + C23Ć2 + G3 (2.6)
94 = di = ei = C14Ć1 + C24Ć2 + G4
95 = d2 = e.2 = Cisei + C25Ć2 + G5
That means that the coefficients Cij and Gj assume the following values
C21 :
Cu = - cos/? r
c 12 = - sin/J
Ca = ih
014 = 1 C15 = O - cos /?
C22 = - sin /5
023 =
C24 = O C25 = 1
Gi =0
G2 = 0
G3= o (2-7) G4 = O
g5 = 0
The generalized forces, defined out of eąuation (2.3) and the coefficients defined by formula (2.7),finally yield
@1 = CnQl + CuQ2 + Gi3<53 + Gi4<54 + Cis^s = Ml — Nifi
In the analysed case, Maggie’s eąuations have the following form
+(2mi/i + 7714/2 + 2/a;i + — d2) = Mi — N\f\
(2mi+m4)(0 (di+d2) + 2ra4(^-) W2(di - d2)di + /22d2 +
It should be mentioned that if relationships (2.5) are introduced into eąuations (1.5), and d = (di+d2)/2 is taken into account, then elimination of the