Fis. 1.61: Schematic preseatanon of a Day 30 embryonic reskie in tbe hossę. Due to shnnkage of the yolk sac and the SBing of the aRaotois the etnbtyo ascends from the floor and i tśsss wita tbe vesicie (adapted from Ginther 1986).
Fig. 1.62: Pregnancy cm Day 27. The “ascenf" of the em (arrow) has begun. The ventrally poadoned allamois star, Sil up.
Fig. 1.64: Pregnancy on Day 30. The etnbtyo is saąxii(W the upper portion of the ves»clc.
Fig. 143: Pregnancy on Day 29. The etnbtyo is suspendcd in the center of tbe embtyonic veside. The appositioned metn-branes of the yolk sac (Y) and the allantoic sac (A) form a byperechołc słructure whiefa eztends from the embryo towards the iateral walis of the vesicte (see ałso Fig. 1.62 to 1.67).