77450 system 62

77450 system 62


wards, until the seat touches the heels. The arras should simultaneously be lowered to the insido of the knees, with ńngcrs clenched and fists turned inwards from the wrist, d u ring expiration (see Fig. 4). Then the legs and ńngcrs are once morę straightened while the arms arc lifted and you must take up the prcyiously described "stretched " position, and again bend the knees as before ; repeat this ten tirnes up and ten times down during ten fuli respirations ; breathing in always during the upward movement, and out during the downward movement. During the last expiration, just lower the heels and arms very slowly.

2.—You should perform siimlar fuli knee-bendings, but now as quickly as possible; after, practise two bendings and stretchings during inbalation. and three double mo\ements during cxhalation. The heels remain raised and well prcssed together all through, as in the first exercise. There are no finger and wrist movements, nor arm raising and lowcring. The arms are held out obliquelv in front or inclincd to sides to balance the body. Perform up to twenty knee-bendings during four luli respirations, but don’t forget to strctch the legs completely in each upward moyement

Relaxation Exercises

Muscles increase in strength, rjuickness and endurance by quick changes between work and rest. One should thcrefore be capable of completely relaxing or slackening the muscles, either all at once, whcn the body rests, or during a particular moyement; slacken all those that are not in use while the moyement is in progress. The faulty principles in School, Anny and many Home Systems of physical culture. ha\e caused the majority of people to be inore or less stiff in the muscles, or " muscle-bound.” One ought then to give oneself a course in muscle-relaxation.

Sit on a chair, letting the left arm hang quite limp by the side. Then fccl its muscles with the fingers of the right hand, and conyince yourself that they are quite soft. Now take hołd of the left wrist and iift the left arm up to shouldcr height. Be careful, that you really lift the wliole wcight of the left arm with the right, as the left arm must not help itself to be raised. and must of course not resist. Suddenly release your grip, and let the arm fali, It should then dangle to and fro before Corning to rest in a yertical position. Repeat same exercise with relaxed right arm, In a like manner then lift a ieg with both hands and let it drop ; or lie down on the floor and ask a friend to lift and release the legs, one after the other. The neck can be exercised in the same manner, although it is harder to relax. but be careful that the head drops on to a soft cushion. The abdominal muscles are best re!axed in a sitting position, leaning well back. or when lying in bed. The best time for carrying out these exercises is, then. just before going to sieep.

Conyince yourself that the whole body and every limb rests on its particular part of the bed with the whole of its wcight; in other words, try to make yourself as heavy as you can. Then you will be morę surę to get healthy and refreshing sieep.


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