Language tests in generał fulfil several functions in education.
6.1.1. Diagnostic function
Properly organised testing of learners' achievements gives the teacher an opportunity to get a elear idea of his/her pupils' progress in foreign language learning. Analysing the results of testing, the teachers will see their shorteomings both in methods and techniąues applied and in the progress of each pupil. It allows them to improve their own work. Or in other words, a test measures not only the pupiTs performance but also the effectiveness of the teacher's instruction. They show where students have difficulties, and they provide information that should lead teachers to modify their instruction.
6.1.2. Systematic work
Testing and evaluating pupiTs achievements in language learning is of great importance as pupils get used to working systematically at the target language, i.e. to leam language items and develop habits and skills in using them. Thus the problem of learning is not so much how to get things into the mind, as it is how to get them out again when they are needed for aural comprehension, speaking, reading, and writing. Through testing every leamer can show how he/she can use what has been leamed, that his/her “ready access” to the knowledge reeeived.
6.1.3. Educational function
Although tests are used for measuring the achievement of the objectives in language learning, they fulfil educational functions as well. Each test makes pupils concentrate their attention on certain language materiał and language skill and thereby mastering it successfully. Since testing is accompanied with the evaluation of the achievement of every pupil, this stimulates pupiTs desire to learn. Evaluation is an integral part of teaching. It is a process of determining the extent to which objectives have been achieved.
The teacher tests the pupils' command of the target language, i.e. their ability to use it in its two forms: orał and written. Therefore, the items of testing should fully correspond to the aims and objectives.
There are two basie types of testing: (1) regular testing, when the teacher administers freąuent, short tests to measure the pupils' achievements and assigns marks for their work at a given lesson or a topie; and (2) finał testing, or examination at the end of the course. The tests are administered in three forms: orał, written, or orał and written.
In schools orał testing often takes the form of ąuestioning the class or some individuals. The manner in which each pupil reacts to the teacher's ąuestions shows his/her readiness for the lesson and the pupiTs achievement in learning some particular materiał. This often results in assigning marks to several pupils.
Since there are many items of testing as well as pupils in the class, the. teacher needs special tests, objective and easy to administer. The following tests are very freąuent in schools: teacher-made tests, ready-made tests (e.g. in the Teacher's Book), and standardised tests.
A standardised test is a test that has been developed from Iryouts and experimentation to ensure that it is reliable and valid, and which provides uniform procedures for administering (time limits, rcNponse format, number of ąuestions) and for scoring the test.