79077 w25X

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Padna, Arena Chapel: 1303-6 wall-paintings by Giotto. Oratorio di San Giorgio: 1378-84 wall-paintings by Altichiero and Avanzo.

Santo di San Antonio: 1374-9 wall-paintings by Altichiero.

Perugia, 1278 Fontana Maggiore, carvings by Pisano.

Pisa, Camposanto: 14th-century wall-paintings.

Pistoia, Dumno: late-13th and niid-14th-century silver altar.

San Gimignano, Collegiata: mid-14th-century wall-paintings. Museo Civico: wall-paintings r. 1290.

San Sepolcro, Pinacoteca Comunale: 13th-century relief carving.

Siena, Palazzo Pubblico: 14th-century wall-paintings.

Yenice, Doge’s Pałace: 14th-century carved capitals.

Yerona, Santa Maria Antica: early-14th-centuiy canings.


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Boccia, L.G. I Guerrieri di Avio (Milan 1991).

Bowsky, W.M. ‘City and Contado: Military Relationships and Communal Bonds in Fourteenth Century Siena’, in A. Molho and J.A. Tedeschi (eds.), Renaissance Studies in Honor of Hans Baron (Dekalb 1971) 75-98.

Bowsky, W.M. A Medienal Italian Commune: Siena under the Ninę, 1287-1333 (Los Angeles 1981).

Calvini, N. Balestre e balestień rnedienali in Liguria (San Rento 1982).

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Cardini, F. and Sahini, E. Montaperti 1260,

Guma, Societa ed Erroń (Siena 1984).

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Cherubini, G. Signoti, Contadini, Borghesi:

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Colombo, A. Milano feudale e comunale (Milan 1928).

Cox, E.L. The Green Courrt ofSavoy, Amadeus VI and Transalpine Savoy in the Fourteenth Cenimy (Princeton 1967).

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Dondi, G. ‘Del Roncone, del Pennato e del

cosidetto Scorpione: loro origini’, Armi Antiche (Turin 1976) 11-48.

Epstein, S.A. Genoa and the Genoese 939-1328 (Chapel Hill 1996).

Galletti, A.I. ‘La societa comunale di fronte alla guerra nelle fonti perugine del 1282’, Bollettino della Deputazione di Storia Patria per PUmbria LXXI (1974) 35-98.

Hall, A.R. ‘Guido’s Texaurus, 1335’, in B.S. Hill and D.C. West (eds.) On Pre-Modern Technology and Science. A Yolume of Studies in Honor of L\nn Whitejr. (Malibu 1976) 11-35.

Herlihy, D. Pisa in the Early Renaissance: A Siudy of Urban Growth (New Haven 1958).

Herlihy, D., Lopez, R.S. and Slessarev, V. (eds.) Economy, Society and Govemment in Medienal Italy: Essays in Memory of Robert L. Reynolds (Kent, Ohio 1969).

Housley, N. ‘The Mercenary Company, the Papacy and the Crusades 1356-1378’, Traditio XXX\1II (1982) 253-280.

Housley, N. The Italian Crusades (Oxford 1982).

Hyde,J.K. Padua in the Age of Dante (Manchester 1966).

Hyde, J.K. Society and Polilics in Medienal Italy:

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Lamer, J. Italy in the Age of Dante and Petrarcli 1216-1380 (London 1992).

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