3 Dopasuj pytania znajdujące się z lewej strony do odpowiedzi z prawej.
a) Yes. he was He was vcry angry with mc
bl No. I didnt I still havc to do my presentation
cl Yes. I did I saw him last nigłit
dl No. il didnt. Il was warm and sunny all day.
e| Yes. I did l'm planning to go to the theatre
fi Yes. they were. They didn t get to sleep until 2 a iii
g) Yes. it was. Il was 35 °C in tłu* sh.tde
1 Did you sce Tbm?
2 Was it hot?
3 Did you do your work?
4 Were they tircd?
3 Did il rain yesterday?
o Was lie upset with you?
7 Did you make any plans lor the weekend?
4 Uzupełnij pytania dotyczące dzieciństwa słowami z ramki, a następnie odpowiedz na nie krotko (np. Yes, I did).
1 Did you...............any sports?.............................
2 Did they...............English at youi school?...........
3 Was your family homc in the....."i.... ......
4 Were you the..................child In your family? . ......
5 Did you ...................a bicyde?........................
6 Did you ......... with the houscwork al home?
Odpowiedz własnymi słowami na poniższe pytania dotyczące wydarzeń z przeszłości. W każdym z punktów wpisz dodatkowe zdanie, w którym uzasadnisz swoją odpowiedz.
Ouestion Did you go out on Saturday evening?
Answer Yes. I did I went to the cinema.
Answer No. I didn l I stayed home with my family I Did you go out last night?
2 Were you lale for work this week?
3 Did you do any cxcrcise at the weekend?
5 Were you happy when you were at scłlool?
242 English in 20 minutes a day