Nr. Bnrnsley, Yorks.
Dcar Apollon,
Your conrsc hns done for me all you claimcd it tu tlo. I uscd to be always on thc sick list and was looked upon as the weakling iu my district. I used to think thcre was no hopc for mc. Today 1 claim to bc one of the strongest in Yorkshire, and my strength is grow-ing daily, tlianks to your wonderful system. -\ly chest is now 44-in., Biceps iSJ-iit. 1 can lift ij-ewt. with łittlc nn-ger overhcad 1 lift a girder orerhead wcighing 2-cwts., tear a new pack of cnrds, puli a large bus tip a slight in-clinc, etc. I h»ve ahundance of energy now and can work two shifts without fatigue.
I shall alwaya rccommetid the Apolhrn Course as the surest and quickest meth-od of lxidy-buifding. 1 showed a pal my ann the other day, and he could not helieve his own cycs. FTc says if he can get nn arm half as strong as minę he will “try a basinful,” so you will be getting another pupil. As you kuow I huve already cnrollcd seven fellows frotn round herc.
Wishing you continucd succcss.
Your Pupil,
ERNEST GOTHARD About to tear a pack of ca
Bciore taking up my course, (iothard tisecl to bc u siekły tmder-weight weak-ling. often away from his work (miner) for =ix months at a stretch. Mc has papers to prove his statements, for to sec hitu to-day nobody wotiltl credit the tiuc facts of his case. A few weeks ago at thc local music-hall, Samson-A-Zass offered 10/- «<> anyone who could bend a bar of iron, or £2 to the man who could duplicatc his icat of bending the bar until the ends met. Gothard accepted rhe sporting challenge and thrilled the audience by bending the bar so that both ends met, and so winning the £2. Aftcrwards he was intcrviewcd by reporters from lcacling newspapers, recjuiring to ktu»w how he had actjuircd his wonderful development and strength. He lold them what the Apollon system had done for him, and an articlc and picturc were published in thc " Daily Mirror.”
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