89224 SAVE0130

89224 SAVE0130


English in 20 minutes a day


Seaside Mystery: Part 3

The story so far. Carlos rells Peter about his Spanish girllrlend, Maria,

Peter tells Carlos that he likes Yoshiko. They go to Mrs King's housc to ask Yoshiko to go to the beach with them. Mrs King says Yoshiko is busy but she will give hec their message When they leave the house. Carlos and Peter see Yoshiko through a wlndow but then she disappears. Peter thinks that Mrs King is very rude, but Carlos just thinks that she łs busy.

| Poniższe słowa pochodzą z trzeciej części Seaside Mystery Zaznacz I/) te. które już znasz. Znaczenie pozostałych znajdziesz w Word Bank.

asleep    term    swlmming    tired    sitting    energy

laugh    breakfasl    sandwiches    alone    st rangę

2    Posłuchaj nagrania. Jeżeli masz problemy ze zrozumieniem, zajrzyj do Audio Script na końcu książki.

3    Odpowiedz na pytania dotyczące tej części opowiadaniu.

I W ho is Mr McCabe?

2 What are the students doing iri class today?

3    What does Yoshiko think about swimming in Hngland?

4    Where do the students go at lunch time?

5 What does Peter ask Yoshiko?

4 Uzupełnij zdania, wykorzystując niektóre słowa z ćwiczenia I.

1    Mr McCabe hopes the st udents are feeling fuli oł

2    Yoshiko says she is a bit............................

3    Peter likes...........on the beach in the sunshine.

4    Carlos likes Mr McCabe because he makes him....................

5    Mrs King says she is sorry that she can t make Yoshikos

6    Yoshiko thinks it is...........................th.it her landlady is on the beach with a

man she does not know.    V


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