Stage 3
The story so far. Yoshiko Is upset. She has a łertcr łrom Mrs King. In it. Mrs King asks her to fincł a new lamily to live with. Also, someone has taken some oł Yoshikos moncy. Yoshiko meets Peter in the park Carlos phones them to say he is at the train station. Mrs King is thcrc with a man and the man is shouting at her Peter and Yoshiko meet Carlos at the station Mrs King tells them her son Harry Is in trouble and he needs a lot ol money. Someone wants to kill him
1 Odpowiedz na pytania dotyczące opowiadania
2 What other thing is making Yoshiko upset? i Where does Yoshiko meet Peter?
4 Where is Carlos?
*> What does Mrs King s son need?
2 Posłuchaj 5. części opowiadania i odpowiedz na pytania.
1 Who arc Peter and Carlos fol łowi ng?
2 Where do they go?
3 What does the man get into?
4 What does the man give to tho sales assistant?
*> What is in the bag?
o Who phones Yoshiko?
8 Who wants to go to the polkę?
English in 20 minutes a day 117