

People watching

Lesson 9

Seaside Mystery: Part 7

\Ue slon/ so far: Carlos and Peter go back to Yoshiko‘s house. When they get there Yoshiko is upsct because she can t find Mrs King, Her landlady She is not in the house. and there is no message. Yoshiko thinks the men who want to kill Mrs Kings son have got hcr. Peter tclls her about the man in the department storę He thinks it was Mis King s son A man phones and asks to speak to Mrs King. He says he is Mis Kings son. Harry Yoshiko and Peter think he is lying - he isn l Mrs Kings son Mrs King phones and asks them to bring her some money. She is waiting at the station She needs help.

I Odpowiedz na pytania dotyczące znanej ci części opowiadania. I Why is Yoshiko upsct ?

2 What docs she think has happened?

t Where aro t hc- three students?

■I Who do«*s the man on the phone wanl to speak to?

*> What does Mrs King want them to do?

2 Poniższe wyrazy i wyrażenia pochodź*) z 7 części opowiadania. Zaznacz t/t słowa, które już znasz Spróbuj odgadnąć znaczenie pozostałych słów. słuchając opowiadania.

English in 20 minutes a day 165

casłi-point    station    jacket    stupid    takeout    traveller s cheques

joke    idiots    cafe    pier    rubbish bin    parcel

plastic bag plan


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