89569 Thistle

89569 Thistle


Thesc pattern dctails should be used in conjunction with the Form-A-Lines General Instructions at the back of this booklet.

“Out at...“ means bring the needle from the back of the work through to the front.

“In at...” means take the needle from the right side of the work through to the back.

On many sections of this design some holes are used morę than oncc.

Wild Flower Kit

Use a blue card.

Flower petals Ulustrated on flower 1 Out at A in at B Out at C in at B Out at D in at B Out at E in at F Out at G in at F Continue this sequence until the petals are complcte. Notę that the petals are in five groups.

Flower bracts Ulustrated on flower 3 Out at A in at B Out at C in at D Out at E in at F Continue this seąuence to out at K in at L Then:

Out at R in at F Out at S in at T Out at U in ąt V Continue this seąuence to out at D in at Z Backstitch around the outside of the bracts. Complete the other flowers in a similar way whilst noting they have differing amounts of petals and bracts.


Ulustrated on stem 1. Out at U in at V Out at U in at W Out at X in at Y Out at Z in at Y Complete the other stems in a similar way. Notę stem 4 stops and starts where it crosscs Ieaf 1 and stem 2.

Leaves - Centre linę Ulustrated on leaf 1 Backstitch the centre linę until complete, i.e. Out at 2 in at 1 Out at 3 in at 2 Out at 4 in at 3 Out at 5 in at 4

Leaves - Outline Ulustrated on Ieaf l Backstitch around the outline until complete, i.e. out at B in at A Out at C in at B Out at D in at C Out at E in at D

Leaves - Thoms Ulustrated on Ieaf 2 *

Out at 1 in at 2 Out at 3 in at 4 Óut at 5 in at 6 Out at 7 in at 8 Continue this sequence until the thoms are complete.

Stitch the other leaves in a similar way.

These Form-A-Lines instructions are copyright © 2000 DJ Designs and may not be reproduccd without permission. Publishcd by Card Inspirations Tewin Hill Farm, Tcwin, Herts AL6 OLL, UK.

Tel: 01438 717000 FAX: 01438 717477


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