

Instraments & eąuipment

DO YOU KNOW what the instruments you use are cailed in Engiish? Rena these descriptions. Which item in the list of instruments and eąuipment does each one refer co? The first one has been done for you as an exampie.

List of Instruments &. eąuipment

bandaże; caiheter, curette; drain; forceps; gag; hook; pipetie; probe; scaipei; siing; splira; stethbscope; stretcher; syringe; thermometer; toumiauet; wh-eelehair



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= a chair with wheels in which an invalid can sit and move around

= a smali, sharp pointed knife used in surgery

= an instrument used to explore inside a cavity or wound

= an instrument similar to a pair of scissors, used for holding and puiling

= a Iong spoon, used for semping the inside of an organ .

= a thin glass tubę used for taking and measuring samples of Iicuids

= a device used to constrict an aner/ and reduce the tlowof biood

= an instrument with a bent end, used for holding structures aparr

= a tubę used to remove liąuid from the body or the site of an operation

= an instrument which is piaced between a patienfs teeth to stop him ciosing his mouth

a tubę with a piunger which siides inside it, forcing the contents out through a neerile





16. 17.

=    a tubę which is passed into the body along one of the passages

=    a piece of cioth which is wrappea wound a wound or injured limb

= a trianguiar piece of cioth attached around the neck, used to support a broken arm

= a folding bed, with handles, on which an injured person can be carried by two peopie

= a stiff support attached to a limo to prevent a broken bonę from moving

= two earpieces connecred to a tubę and a metal disc, used to listen to sounds inside the body


a device used for measuring temperaturę

Extension. Work with a partner and test each other. For exampie What do you cali a chair with wheels in which an invalid can sit and move around?

© Peter Coilin Publishin^.


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