1. Look ot the article and the photos. What is bully? Do you think is a problem in dl schools?
/ '
BulUng is cruel, point less and makes a bt of peopb very unhappy, but it’s a big problem in many schools.
Z. Reod the texts in the boxes. Choose the best title for each text from the
list bellow.
One in; 10 pupife - in se cpń&rysćhbąl is bul jeęk; -; >ItisnYjuśrbbys wjhóąrą buliieś. ;<3rfe jcaąbe ; •; • buiRęs; t
y VV!th-bó/śiibuflying » uśuaiypbysibal/while ; femaiąpdlyingis ncrmal.yerbaL But wcrdscan;. • hOrtjust as mtidi as be'ng purched.
•;-.A Ict-ofbiiries becomecriminalswhenthey -; -grcwup. ■) • | •; •; •; •; •; •; •; •; •; •; •; •; ■; •; •; •; •; •; •; ■; • Every ysar, about lOyoorg peopk ;k» ttemśąlyeś -becsuśą they arą buftedat schód,; ■\•
Can you recognize a bully?
What should you do? Who are the victims?
Why do they do it?
How big is the problem?
Kristy s story I was a bully
ft=opie ałways ca:<ed me rames beause I've gct iong red hair and freckies. They o !i me ■“CSrrot Head" and things like that. I suppose tt's beatse redieads ars dfferent, but l like roy; hafv i -1 - i * i * i • i • i -1 * i * i -1 • i * i • i • i • i • i * i -1 • i * i * i * i • * -1 • i • i * i i • i * i * i -1 • i * i -1 • i * i * i * i * i *;* i•
; I dont usuałfy doanything whąr pecpe olj me na mes, I just gnore it. But a few weeks ago I was -inthe park, and someone shout, "Oi, Carnot Headl" It was two giris and a boy who go to my Schód, I tdd thąm they were stupki and waikąd ąway, but they d>ased me, Luda ty, they dfdnt otebme beousel run quite fąst. ;■;■;■
; When-I saw them in the piayground at the schód the next day, howeye r, I coukśnt es<3 pe.; They pushed me and cali ed me nam es. And was the same everydayaf ter that. It was te rrible.
Then onedaywhenl came out of schód, they wene waitingfor me . theypushed mą agaiń,; and puved my Kair,Then my glasses feji off. >Vher I bent down to pick them up, onegf the girls punched nie and another grą kicked me. I shouted and saeamed and they ran ąway.; -; -Włiehl got home, I was stilf cryng. I tddmy mum a U about It and she phoned the pdks. ; They came roundtotalk łonie. Then t hey went tothe bu 'es‘ houses totak totheir parents,; I was rąaly wornedfor a fewweeks afterthat,! oftensaw the kids who dd it at schód, but (uckjly they just left me adne, Im giad Itdd my mum about it. If ypu keep it toyour seif and ! dor t sayanythirg, the buli:es yąH justcarryor.
What should y>u do if y>u're the victim? What can schools do to stop the problem? How can triends and parents help a vicdm?
4. Usc your idcos from 3 and the qucstions bellow. Write some advicc cithcr to add to the article, or to make a poster.
a) Why do poople become bullies?
b) Think of three ways to stop bullying at schools. Use this cxpressions:
You shouldn't with it.
Keep it to yourself. You should If you're worried
put up
talk to tell... about
Keep a diary (3ive... your support U sten to their problem Expel / punish bullies
c) Prescnt your ideas to the class.