Words with [ju:]:
muae, muae, tune, lunie, cube, cubic, due, duty, new, newest, Hume, humid Contr astive pairs with lu:] and [ju:]:
orne uae food feud whose hues moos* Muse (*3rrf person tg. of moo)
coot cute who'd bued booty beauty
Words containing [u], [u:] or [ju:]:
do, dew, due, duty, sooty, duke. Lukę, look, flew, flue, flute, feud, fume Words with [u] and [o] contrasted:
fu Iły foily fuDy put pot put rock rook rock
cook cock cook
Words with [u:] and [o:] constrasted:
cool cali tool tali fool fali drew draw due claw
mood Maud
5. The English vowds [e.ae, a:]
§ 31. From the point of view of a native speaker of Polish, there are severa] e vowels in English, each pronouneed differently. They are the vowds represented by the phonetic symbols [e], [«], [a], and [a:]. Three of them will be discused here, and the weak vowel [•], which never occun in stressed syllables, will be described in the chapter on unstressed yowels.
Fig. 23. English |e), tongue poation
Fig. 24. Position of the lipa
u .'12 The vowd [e] is similar to Polish e but it u conaiderably higher ■tiul morę front It is intermediate between Połiah e and i and thua, during lin articulation, the tongue, and morę precisdy ita front and central part, ■Imiild be raised higher towar da the hard palate than for Polish e. Care ■lioiild be taken, however, not to make the vowel nearly aa high aa i. [e ] ia nlnaer to Połiah e in auch worda aa dzień, tierl, tiei rather than in bez, li«u>c or len.
Nut* I. Before voiced conaonanta [e] is dightly longer than before voicełesa llinaonanta.
I .oniparc the paira:
lail kcd beck beg peck peg let led wet wed net Ned NitU 2. Before [m, n, 7j], undue nasalization ahould be avoided:
|M nrll
Nule Ł Before the ao-called dark p], which occura before a conaonant ni Morę a pause, [e] ia a little lowered and retracted, which makea U limast identical with Połiah e:
Nul* i. [e] ia somewhat longer in monosyllabic worda than in longer N..(.l.
a»M« ariuuUve
l |n] ahould be clearły differentiated from [i]; although both vowda K| ahort, [i] ia higher, somewhat retracted and thua cloaer to Połiah y, •hM. |. | U completdy front, cloaer to Polish e in sień, wiel
)hltt|iarr | ||
d" p**' |
tin |
ten |
II Ml |
fili |
fell |
M.| red |
pick |
peck |
Wa U« |
lift |
left |
ar 1 |
bid |
bed |
*łh» 111 herc ia not dark, so |e] ia normal, unretracted.