

Worda with [ju:]:

musc, musie, lunę, lunie, cube, cubic, due, duty, new, newest, Hunie, humid Contrastive pairs with [u:] and [ju:]:

ooze ust    tood feud    whose hues    moos* Muse (*3rd person ag. of moo)

coot cute    who'd hued    booty beauty

Words containing [u], [u:] or [ju:]:

do, dew, due, duty, sooty, duke. Lukę, look, flew, flue, flutc, feud, fume W'ords with [u] and [o] contrasted:

fuUy fofly fully    put pot put    rock rook rock

cook cock cook

Worda with [u:] and [o:] constrasted:

cool cali    tool tali fool fali drew draw due claw

mood Maud

5. The Engliah vowels [e.ffi, a:]

§ 31. From the point of view of a natiye speaker of Polish, there are | several e vowels in Engiish, each pronounced differently. They are the vowels , represented by the phonetic aymbola [e], [«], [a], and [a:]. Three of ! them will be discussed here, and the weak vowel [o], which never occura in streased syllables, will be described in the chapter on unstressed i yowela.

Fig. 24. Position of the lipa

Fig. 23. English (ej, tongue poabon

H .12 The vowel [e] is amilar to Polish e but it is considerably higher ■ml morę front It is intermediate between Polish e and i and thus, during llo urticulation, the tongue, and morę precisely its front and central part, lhoiild be raised higher towards the hard palate than for Polish e. Care ■Iii mld be taken, however, not to make the vowel nearly as high as i. [e ] is rlnnrr to Pobah e in such words as dzień, sień, sieó rather than in bez, U*u>r or len.


L nul, let set, get, wet best ne*t, west neck, deck, sex, deak, step, left, slept,

I yea, dress, less, fetch, sketch, fresh, test chest crept, wept, sect jet chess

Notę 1. Before voiced consonants [e] is dightly longer than before voicełess tongonants.

(!otn|>arc the pairs:

Issit licd beck beg peck peg let led wet wed net Ned Noto Z Before [m, n, tj], undue nasalization should be avoided:

hsn, hence, pen, pence, den, denae, end, send, tent, went bench, French, ■Mdl

oto .1. Before the so-called dark [ł], which occurs before a consonant Itofore a pause, [e] is a little lowered and retracted, which makes ■lunet identicai with Polish e:

yell, heli, tell, sell, well, NeD, help, hdm, bełt, felt yelp, dse

4. [e] is somewhat longer in monoeyllabic words than in longer I


poimy jienniless heli hellish* red reddiah

B |e] should be cleariy differentiated from [i]; although both vowds "tri, [i] is higher, somewhat retracted and thus closer to Polish y, |r| i* completely front, closer to Polish e in sień, wieŁ

fili    fen

Uft    left

bid    bed

|l| h«re is not dark, bo [ej U normal, unretracted.



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