Christmas kit 7 Santa

Christmas kit 7 Santa

Tr o f* w\- y\-1_ i y\ e s


C liristmiłN Kil 7

Ihe »e paltccn iteailt thouki be uted in ccnjuncbon *ith the Fwm A4.n*» ticncrjl InMruUion at the back t>f Ihit huoUrt

CM U ' r*uii b»K>( uk rerdle fctmi lh< buk otiSe »wk throu{h to lł« fiort It i ' weant takc Ote -wdlc (tom the łijhl ikk otthe *»«k ihffłijh tothe batk. *n wit) «t<NWł ( (llut «u[n mm k»lc t mc omJ nnt tktn mcc.

Um red card


Out at A in at II Out at C in at D Out at b mi at F Continuc in lh« teijucnee uatil the notę it cooiplcte Ali Mci aie uicd :»ice


Out v I in al i

Out at 2 in at 4

Out at J in at 5

Out at 4 in at I

Out at 5 in at 2

Wcek the other c>« in the

tamę **y.

F.yebcow Out at M in at N Out at O in ai P Contitrx in thia KquciK( until the eyebcoit b ccrnplctc Wock the ołhcf cycbrow ia a timilar wiy.

Ilat bom

lhcfe l ocm-A I łn*« iiittucbom a-o copycijKi O 20CO l»J De*i(m and may not ba trpcoduccd nilhota per nu mon PublitlicO by Card Intpitaiioo.

Tanio llill Farm, Ttwm. Ikltt Al 6 Ot.L. UK. Td: 014)1717000 FAX: 0I43S 717477

Out at Ginal II Out al I In al J Continua mthu w^ucncc mlii tKc KM bom b con^lcte


Out al I in M 2 1 Out al ) in al 4 Out »t $ in U 6 Cml muc In Ikit

Iwpiwt until rK«

bohbk b cotnpkla Ali Kok* ace u*od lwica.

Ilat out linę Dackitilcb the hal outlinc.


Out at R in at S Out al T in al U OM at V in at W i Continua in ikb ieqoencc until Ilia moułtacha U cotnpkla.


Shoum on acction I Out al a iii at b Out at c in at J Oal at c in al f Continua in liii* łttjucncc until iha bcatd ' i* compkle.

Work the ot Ker tectiont 1 Ina łimtlar wa>. i Nota: all accticai Ka\t the tama tpaelng belneen in and oul. tacepl wclkn 2


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