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WVt A uwto. wtoa e>to #A *xvbm»*e, <vh»t \\erc ptlfiimatfc* mul whieh panoro wns m to* yMtoMMtr wtot* loMwto. M towm ufn» hiiye lu bu owsUłwcJ. tuul m»v ftt foto snuto —i—r At 5m inwnti to to*Mt#u»fc Ikt Mhnut A*c »<ih u* feu herocs ui«J a system. whtoh
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ACTA UNiyiiRglTATm WHAIISI.AVII-.NSIS No .">MI Slnillu Atvh#stloglo«n» XI. WrMłiw i()07
Dcspilc ihc incrcnsc oflhe meiming of thcoretical refleclion m Polish nrclme-olouy (Mant/cr 2004 17-51) it shnuld bc slntcd linii tnulc mul eschange nrc siill rcdnccd to a mnlcriulistic and economic pcrspcctive in lummn bcluwiour inlotpro* inllon. Tiary are supported by passion to sonrces uccordiny lo v#rious cn-teria whieh is nn inhcrinmce Irom posilivism c.g. with rcspoct to their origin: i.c. lo Import* and loctil products.
I'l\c Branżo Age in preltisiory of Polish landu was to be a period wlicn trasie doveloped signilleanlly, dnc lo necosaity lo import raw maierials and bron/c prod-ncis. and Inter nlso irstn. In Ihc view of thnt hypolltesis. lite pilch oflhe rschangc look place in thc 1 Inllsiim period cspccially, tlmt is in the linie of mnss inflow of Dnnultc, Alpinc and cvcn lialian piwcnanee objęci,s to thc lands which lodny be-long to Polnnd. Archncologisls conccniraie on senrehmg for cquivalcni products, which were to be a ncccssnry and obvio«s condition for thc eschange lo exisl, ll is ollen ovcrlooked tltttt in thc nneient limes il was a eomples soeml phenom-enon, which inehuled not only goods and not eestnomie goods above uli, bul sos nil goods lo n large degrec (Ostojn-Zagńrskt 1992: 1135; Kadrów 1995).
The economic and social evaluation oflhe priineval trasie conipleiely o\ei looks its somiotic nteaning. Wlicn nn CNchange takes place bel w ccn eemri-s A and 13, j| is nccnmpanicd by thc infonnntion tlow. Tluis thcrc is a tnie oquivalence bo-tween internction peivcivcd lis a eomiminieaiion system and interaetion percefved as a system of eschnnging materiał goods (RcntYew, Bahn 2(H).' 336).
The conscipicnecs of regarding trasie as a specille form of corniminicmion are considcrable. The sicrootyped eategones sueh as "supply", "nteichaiulis ing”, "production siirplns". "hmirictus goods". delermined by eeonomie msioii
ltc|Mtlmcul nl'Aa’liiusil«gvmul AlKiknil CMUwlIon*. K«/hmoiv Wielki llmvor«ll>, liyilgiyfitO*