Sf (be Mktdlc DmUbian (Jmfieid cuitaie om sla Lrnmm aśmt
1 tcodencm in flylisiic* devdopmrrii of putay protattun. ta pretencc of coroptae MacmbUy of Mlrftctt reprtaeated by llyforeign onranmenl
of <he poocry. wfcich may be rcgarded a* a aga of taeo*-Sileuan group of ihe Louuan caftott ad ie Dmbe ffigŃa, doafaie-bodied ytocb (Eutgtrtgefdfie). The widrteaitfw m wdl a» tfae &d of ihty ałiuwly ariw omrate iw B»-Gennany wai already meniioned m otder btentsrc fc g Ka-1425 132 l The fłudurs on thc Krx/si/ and Mibwće ctawo. ‘A*ńmck t^^Miwdłtt|iOTnibrtydiiiK>tn«k. ilmwdiBlBttiłdwdip-u: aptocc. fr.-itn cylindncal nccfccd fonm lypical of ptaac Bd? od wy-«Bl)|ariBfl*n|MK>> - tbrough a typc wrih iiemiei nooife-fmtad id^Hpe tatfe-bodicd veMcb dnmomflic ataady of jtaae HaA2 al I^^^Hllni2aalginmilMdiM«lkhMie*nrciaa» aafecndof phasc Ha.4 and ta begroHng crfpfewe HaB <frjuze* W* r;*Mr>c Chłojka200J: 19-21). Aport ItooBbIk—fcdwili bil db^^HpHltokBoui) from ta Soatb Gonuą ad Tani Untałd ntantaad lĘpuAtatt The irtamrr i of tai «>faoc* mc charty mMc m cttooi ^BtdŁhlteirtaflkaaprrtbyditMyifcDailiiwIMtMallot, la poocry mt' be dnttagtaihril To it ta e"*o w ca* j*«pncf) iss fita, wtoefc refer tobctaHetablińib^ (Fig. 1:1-2) (fctamłcy 1966:47*: Salto )¥**. to* To ta hwag ie artefact* nńgininig K-rontag to J feini) <195*: aUer fdnat - npinang tbe Taato nilin ■■ <x ie-
_ otarć akacci Abototacoe of tal gtoop of tato.
•fłtosdcncy to fara itaUcbnta tape efatoodł)* tętaśe metk -Fig 1: T—4* w»afier aJl» effaaofwtsKn' *ta*» |W» Salto 'I99ft 4*-49 ł. ta ifaanfatooa of ta tao ■ ta tata allKołpBrfiitauitgtńgrflta.«ba a nitarbr -^taaMatoltag Motania tani toe aea. osy «nea tal toó fManae it *I^MiitotacaltotŁcanKauftuofifcrr*y tato ta Bta—tato tal V||ptoaK.aaoM lilpper toUtowA—a
bttao ODcapwd by toe Sae«o 9op of ta Laaao otato to^e totota 'tawaltalaik bc actaed to ta ta nMm Dip łlł • lf tay ida toiyya f muóQ w j,ta Bod teto V%. M4b.Ttactaaaalag*cto yn«toaa«ftaM«aaa*totatoMcb
^BfCh6ia»at. pa** KtatarTOto tSLFy • J» :* irrxst Mefc.. tw~ •CHtM Ptotaotootowatk HM to A. Jfc MtoUtol HHtanuM >‘a<v-.