Znaczenie tatuaży rosyjskich kryminalistów

Znaczenie tatuaży rosyjskich kryminalistów


The head of Jesus Christ on ihc cross a Bibie, burning in the llarocs of the word “Freedom* • freedom and faith perishod in the firc of the (Comrounist) Party. Drawnon the chcst and shouldcr.

Shouldcr strap* or cpaulcttcs with inscription* (or other symbols). for esamplc^

“N* - “Napoleon the lst.“ etc. The*: arc distinctivc . dccorations in (hc crimiiul cmironmcnt of the aulhoritics of the prison hierarchy.

Draw n on one or both shouldcr*.

Skuli and cross-boncs Wom on the shouldcr and forearm by (probably cither antigOYcmmcnt or anti-authority tnindcd individuals). According to our extrcmely scant data. (possibly obtaincd sccrctly) of this catcgory of criminals. (it nicans) thev have a talent for amied violcncc.


The criminal codę, run through by a dagger - “Anarchist * Usually draw n on the forearm. but may also be found on other parls of the body.

Imcnptions: “Slavc of the KPSS" (**Slavc p.ę KflCC of the MVD,“ “$!avc of the USSR,* etc.) • cxpces%cs ^ disagreement with slavc laws. oppression and coiwłitions in the ITU. Tattooed on the forehead. eycłids and arms.

KPSS • Communist Parx>' of the Sovict Union MVD • Ministry of Intenul Affairs USSR • Union of Sovict Soeialist Republice ITU • CoTTcclionaM.abor Institution In tlić picturc w the inscription in Italian.


A burning cross (a symbol of faith), entwined with barbed wire. with the inscription. “Faith in God. not in Communism* Drawn on tlłe chcst.

A six-pointed star (Star of David) and the inscription (usually in Hebrew). “We are a spiritual pcoplc. Life. Intcllcct. Power on carth.* Draw n under the arm.

A fiYe-pointcd star and the inscription. “Dcath to trash (slang for policemcn. prison guards) * Scen on the chcst. shouldcr. and the sidc surfacc

oflheshin.    CMEP

An "Iron Cross* with swastika or without • symbol of contcmporary punk*. cxprcs$ing \ol:dantv w ith the Na/L\. Placcd on the k chcst between the cołlarboncs. Howcyct. according to a statetnent of British sociologist D. Cambridge, in the book "Subculturc, A Sense of Style.** using the swastika in punk-fa*hion supposcdly loscs its primary mcaning and is uscd only as an attnbutc of modem limes.


A window with prison bars. a convict bchind them. in the nbbon i* the inscription. "Hc who ha* not_ bccn dcprivcd of freedom doesn‘1 kr.ow its valuc.'* • according to the unwnttcn codc of prison,

"A thief in the law** (from the glossary) i* incapable of rcmaining frec for morę than a ycar. Drawn on the abdonKn.

Two, thrcc and morę lulf-arche* rcscmbling a piece of barbed wire - "pcrsonal account of a ZK”: the number of half-archcs is the number of com ictions. and the number of barbs is

The head of a demon, with a dagger driven through if s ncck. is a tattoo of anti-Semites. Drawn on various parts of the body.

A signof qual:ty. Drawn on the brcast. pubis. scxtul organ and other intimatc part* of the body.

Crosses - symbols of female (hicvcs. Drawn in the region of the tempie, between the breasts, on the fingers of the hands.

A cresccnt moon and star* - tattoo is scen on pcoplc professing faith in Islam. Drawn on the lowcr part of the forearm and the chcst.

the number of ycars the bearer. by


“account,** ha% bccn dcprivcd of freedom.

Insidc the uncloscd etrele are wrilten the initials of the owner of the tattoo or the beginning letters of the namc of the place whcrc they arc semng their scntcncc.

ZK - prisoner or convict

A mcdallion with the head of Jesus Christ in a crown of thoms - rcvcngc upon trailors. Drawn only on the chest.

A hammer and sickle ovcr cross-boncs -sutTering for (onc’s) beliefs. Drawn botli on the arms and legs.

A “Star of Dav»d" with the inscription in Frcnch, "Evef>lhmg foc mc -nothing from mc" - is a symbol of the “otntsalwka."* Drawn on the forcami.

"Otritsaknfca" • a group of coovkt» w ho * iolatc the system’* rulc* and polnie* in the ITK. refuje to work. maintain ryO U, > unlaw ful conncetHin* and ncvcr wanno go    T a

straight/refocrn. frcqocnl rcsidcni* of “SilIZO" (pcnal:> isolation; purushmcnl ccii) and “PKTtunfcoowtt).

ITK - corrcctivc (foreed) labor campf icttłcmcnt

Jesus Christ crucificd on the cross **A elear conscicncc bcforc my frtends.* “not capablc of betrayal* Drawn on the chcst.

A flowcr of lily or chamomile - association. elan. The number of pctals corrcsponds to the number of members of a criminal group or t!>c pcoplc tried in one criminal casc. Initials may be written on the pctals. The place for the tattoo is any visiblc part * of the body. Often found among young pcoplc.

Portrait of the Virgin Mary with child - **A elear conscicncc bcforc my friends.* **not capablc of betrayal.* Drawn on the chcst.

A dcvil and a woman - “A woman drovc me to crimc.* “cvading the law*

Drawn on the chcst, thigh. morc scldom on the forearm.

A tom cat - symbol of good luck and warfnes*.

Can be scen with pows, a hal or top hat, a bow lic, etc. It i* thicves* colors of a man forever and with conviction conncctcd to the criminal world. inclined toward robbery. theft and burglary. If it is drawn on the forearm or shouldcr - “NattYc j Occupant of the Prison* (abbrcviation KOT). 'C if drawn under the arm - “Prison - Nativc Home." if drawn on the legs - a>nvictcd for j**. jgfTi robbery, coavtcted for lite, if drawn on the rĘT** ahdomen - “THIEF.*    HttpyOUZseCf

A torch - solidarny in placcs of confincment. Often scen with the initials of ihc person who mado the tattoo. The word “freedom** is w ritten on the ribbon in this picturc.

A knifc in hand. manaclcs on the w rist -“Cormorant** (slang for hooligan). Drawn on the calf of the leg, on the forearm.

The buming of a woman chaincd to a post “rcvcngc upon the one thal betrayed mc.* The number of logs • the penod of punishment rcceived. Drawn on the thigh.

A sca guli on a hackground of a shicl with a stripe - a sign of friendship bcforc convic«ion. **Fricnds by frec will/choicc* Drawn on the hand. forearm.

A woman sitting on a kopcck (coin) - dnvcn into crimc by a w oman or by k>ve for a woman who sclls herself, *1 am going to get rcvenge for the p3in I receivcd.* Drawn on the chest or the front part of the shin.

A buming crucifmon of a woman on a cross • driven into crimc by a woman or by lovc for a ^ {[ woman who sclls herself. *1 am going to get rcvcnge for the pain I reccivcd*

Drawn on the chcst or the front part of the shin.

A dagger. entwined by a snakc - the leader of a “suit* (as in card suit) of thicvcs.

If the snakc*s head is raiscd • *1 began by stealing and robbing,* if the head is lowcrcd - “I was stuck with (had to resort to) stealing* (vcry rare!)

A tulip in hand - tumed 16 ycars old in an education-labor scttlcmcnt. Drawn on the shouldcr.

A rosc in the hands - tumed 18 ycars old in an education-labor scttlcmcnt. Also draw n on the shouldcr.

The head of a woman. a knifc and a rosę - oath of rcvcngc. Drawn on the upper part of iIk* forearm.

A sailing vcs$cl - roving thief. From the original poster it is *giYen to cscapc placcs of confincment.**

A running dcer - inclined to cscapc Drawn on the chest. The inscription under the dcer is Latin. “Frec Man*.

RSFSR • Russian SoYict Fcdcral Socialist Republic

cPComo ci Bez

of the phrasc *Lovc. attoocd



Intcrlacing of the Capital letters of the phrasc “Lovc. Comradc, (Frec) Will.* Often tattooed on the under-aged in spcciali/ed Yocational training schools. spcciali/ed schools, ihc VTK.

Drawn between the thumb and indcx ftngcr.

VTK - penitentiary for youths. from the original poster

A woman, a torch, a snakc. a skuli, an a.x. a crown, a cross, bars on the window, moncy “all things in lifcare flecting* Drawn on the chcst.

Only convict$ of authority arc permitted to wcar this tattoo, (probably **A ihicf in the law* bows for two “sacrcd* (things)) -*kicha**(prison) and cross.

A w olf and a woman - a cartoon picturc of a policc officcr. The w olf somelimes wears a policc uniform, with shouldcr straps, in a scrvicc cap with a badge on it. Drawn on the abdomen. thigh.

The Madonna with child in her arms -“Prison - Nativc Home.* *A Child of the Prison.* Draw n on tlie chcst.

A soaring caglc with a suitease in its talon* • inclined to cscapc. Drawn on ihc chest.

But if the caglc ha* a sheep in its talon* - committcd a crimc as spccificd on page 117 of the criminal codę of the RSFSR (rapc).

RSFSR • Russian SoYict Fcdcral Socialist Republic

A dcvil w ith a bag - **1 was lucky, but the Jcvil took my luck away.* The owners ^f thcsc tattoos havc a long-term :onviction for committing theft of gOYcmmcnt and public property.

Drawn on various parts of the body.

Abbrcviation of a Latin cxpression. “Dum spiro spero** (“While I brcatbe. I hopc*).

Draw n on the hand and under arlistic tattoos.

The head of a girl - I umcd 17 ycars old in VTK. Drawn on the shouldcr.

Iron bars. a dagger. a stemmed rosc -convicted for hooliganism. tumed 18 ycars old in placcs of confincment. Drawn on the shouldcr and forearm. (The number of rods in the iron bars -the length of confincment).

A skuli, a dagger. a snakc. a stemmed rosc. moncy - spent a long time doing thefts, robberies and burglarics. Rcpcatcd conviction$/Rcpcat ofTender; “A thief in the law.* Draw non the chest.

A church on the palm of a hand. The number of domes designates tlić number of conyictions or the period of punishment for the committcd crimc. Drawn on the thigh, on the calf of the leg. on the forearm. On the chcst - only the church or the cathcdral The manaclcs - right of the tattoo. are acquircd only by thosc w ho rcce«ve a tcmi of impnsonment of not less than 5 ycars.

The inscription is in Latin. “With God!“


An cxccutioncr and a woman -com icted for killing a woman or a rclativc. If only one cxccutioncr is dcpictcd - “Honoring the codc of thicYcs.** Drawn on the chest and front part of the thigh.

A gladiator (“Gerakl*. Supcmian with a machinę gun) - the tattooed indiYidual is inclined to sadism and blatant hooliganism. Pcoplc with such tattoos are callcd “fighters** (possibly “butchcrs*) in placcs of impnsonment. They perform Yiolcnt actions upon “the guilty* convicis and citi/ens (when) at largc. Drawn on the shouldcr or the back

A handshakc in manaclcs - the sign of friciKls in placcs of confincment. Drawnon tlić hand. forearm or shouldcr.

The head of a mocmcr s%ith tang*, hom* and a bcard “birod-tccth (gnn)." negatwc attitude tov%ard% the pcoplc of tbc policc. of ibc justicc *y*tcm, of ihc Oftke of the Public Prosccutor, of the adminntraiion of Uic refommoty nutitution. Und touard>) the untjiihful of tbc tnditioru of iluc\ cv. Drawn on the chest, oflen neM to a portrait of Lenm - Leader of tbc Octobcr Rc\olution. which olso ha* an ań»\cd mcaning (the abbre* lataon VOR, Russian for “THIEF"). “Rockcrv“ adopted thi% tattoo m the criminal *oHd. It camc to u* from the wc*t from the film. “Ileli’* AngeU “

A genie, flying out of a pitchcr • typical tattoo of a drug addtet or one inclined to drug usage. Drawn on the chcst, shouldcr. forearm. the front part of the thigh. and between the thumb and indcx fingers.

A *pider in a %pidcnvcb • tattoo of a drug addicl. A *pidci without a spxlcrweb - M(*pidcr)bite Typical tattoo of thicves. Both are wom on the hand betw een the thumb and indcx Hager. In addiiion. the >pxler i% wom on the leli and right sidc* of the ncck, which signifie* “policy emsbed (etushed by policy)." that i*, rcpeatedly puruihcd m place* of eonfinemcnt foc vahou* Yiolalton* ofoutod) policy: lockupi/punidiment celU, PKT. depmed ol mccting* (ytrilocs). etc.

A cross, a sacrcd head in a crow n of thoms, the card suit “spades* -convictcd for hooliganism. Drawn on the shouldcr. forearm, front part of lite thigh. (A tattoo of convicts who havc bccn in the Bałcie ITU).

A dagger, a itvolvcr, ammunition. a bonie, a winc glass. a woman’*s head, a syringe. ampoulcs. cards. moncy (in various combinations) - 1) “Bardak* (disorder, or den of dcpravity) - “this is w hat ruins us;* 2) “Decidcd to lead the criminal way of lifc.* Drawn on yarious parts of the body. In the criminal world everyone is allowcd (to wcar this tattoo).

The head of a tiger • “Angry at (thosc in) authority.* Wcarcrs of this tattoo display an (opcnly) hostilc attitudc toward law enforcemcnt orguni/ations. (probably concctions personncl with the criminal cm ironment). and also

tow ard all cmployccs of the v    ^

ITU. Ready to repulsc anyonc cncroaching his dignity.

Bulls facing each other in oppositton - tattoo significs a fight for leadership in the criminal cm ironmcnt. “(probably “not burdened by morals*).* “1 stand up for mysclf* Drawnon the    y*ta rot *ec*t

shoulder-bladcs. Has the

same mcaning with knights WW%    *


The writing above is in German and says. “Might bcforc right*

The window of a celi. a skuli, the criminal codc of the RSFSR along w ith the head of a snakc run through by a dagger. a guard in the guard tower. harbed wire - “revcngc on the Public Prosecutor.” The number of barbs on the wire (as on other tattoos) designates the scntcncc rccciYcd for the crimc committcd. Draw n on Yarious parts of the body.

Capital Latin letter “D.* a tiger, a skuli elasped in the tiger's paw, a crow n, the card suit “spades* -com icted for robbery. Croclty, antisocial orientation of interests. desires and aspirations Drawn on the shouldcr. chcst and forearm. Punks and Rockers tattoo this on their chcsts.

A woman crucificd on a cross - “cross of thicYcs.* (probably ThieYes of authority) among the comicts “pin* it (the cross) on Locations for the tattoo - chest. forcann. front p;irt of the thigh.

A symbol of threat. revcnge. Occasionally with a dato or initials. “I*vc taken a vow of rcYenge.*

The inscription says,

“Livc and let livc.*



A piratc w ith a knifc in In* tcetb. an caning m ht* car - symboli/cs threat In this tanoo tbc inscription on the knifc bcars ilic fundamcntal mcaning (of the tatloo). Usually the namc “IRA" i* thcrc. In rcality it’* an abbrcvution - “I am going (probably to kitl Party actiwa*)."

Inclined to sadi*m. with a negaiivc attitudc toward thosc who arc on the way to corrcetioo (trying to gsistraight) Drawn on the shouldcr. ebeśL The caning - a symbol of good luck foc thicsc*.

An cxposcd woman, entwined by a snakc (versions can be quite di (Tereni!), -designates a passivc homoscxual. The tattoo is madc by force or by losing in a C3rd gamo, but somelimes by onc*s owri accord. Location of the tattoo • only on the back!

A crown with red pUymg card suils (hcarts. dumonds) - “King of all suit*." possiYC homoscxual. a man who is imoUcd in all form* of dcpravity W eak*w itlcdTock of bockbooe. The taltoo i% rare (drawn on the back). but the rrujority of pcoplc in plxe* of cont^cnwnt know

of IL Pcoplc w lio ha\ c lhi5 tattoo or the one to the left arc callcd M(cock's) cocnbs," "roosters" or “blues." Thcsc arc tbc most ittsullmg (abusivc) nanKS in placcs of confinement. A convict calling another consict thcsc ruino. c*cn as a jolce, could pay for it with hi* lica Ith or bis lifc.

Jesus Christ, crucificd on the cross; the crucifix is in hands chaincd in manaclcs. - “I belieYc in ihc thicYcs’ idea,* “1 won*t betray the of thicvcs.* Drawn on the chest. front part of the thighs.

An anchor with ring-buoy. etc. Professional tattoo of sailors. Draw n on Yarious parts of the body. usually scen: arms. chest.

An airplane. Professional tattoo of pilots. Drawn on Yarious parls of the body. usually scen: arms, chcst.

Professional tattoo. significs tradc or carecr. Draw n on arms and chcst

>fcssiona) tattoo. significs tradc or carccr. Drawn on arms and chcst

A wild boar or its head - tattoo of a fcmalc-criminal. depriYcd of freedom for a long period of time. who tngages in lesbian scx. The wild boar • a symbol of strength. masculinity. women sfoi w ho takc on the małe role    cf dea/.

get this (taltoo).

Tattoo of a trcble clef or a vio!in. “Littlc Yiolin* - the antonym of the “boar.** a wcak-willcd woman. Tlie tattoo is drawn on by the “men.* with w hom the “littlc violin* engages in lesbian orał scx.    ^

A symbol of threat. rcvcnge. Occasionally with a datę or initials. *Tvc taken a vow of revcnge.*

A “clerk** - deciphers translations from the slang dictionary: “Gangster, able to usc (both) knifc and razor well*

Tl>e thieve$* symbol ofgood luck, strength. Drawn on the chcst. For this tattoo one \\\ has to be an authority N^s\ criminal in the world of crimc.

A “slopc-cdged* star - solidarny with the “otritsalovka,“ loyalty to its cod es; a card player, playing “under interest* (one of the prcccpts of “A thief in the law*

- hc should play cards pcrfcctly).

The tattoo is drawn at the comcrs of tł>e collarbones. In recent ycars many convicts fascinatcd by the tattoo startcd pinning it on.

Tatloo - “Outniged by the injusiicc of Sov iet legislation.* (You) can cotuil thosc who have it among the ranks of asocial individuals. The inscription is Latin. “To err is human.*

Vla$ka State Trooper Intclligcncc Unit

Special thanks to the United State Anny for help in translaling!

101 East 6th Ave. Anchorage, Alaska 99502 (907)265-9583

1999, Jordan


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