United States ot America; vanous locabons
Ceptan Amenca *331 (Jufy 1987)
The Commewon on
Supechumen Aci*v*oe w taekcd witti rrwrtarrtęł nebonat «eru«y n a wotd occufmti by etpwNumar*
Frank Payn# (afcas Frank
Protaeelonal crimłnal and
HEK3HT 5 ft 11 m
WEIGrfT 190 RM
IncredibM Hulk # 212
I hc Comnhssion on Superhumun Activitics is a special task fotce amwcraWc onJy to thc Prcstdcnt ofthc United States. It :s eturged with thc usk of regubting security in an age wheu bcmgs with supcrfiuman abilitics roam thc World.The Coimnission, or thc ( SA as
it is trc^ucctly known, hu* tnvolved itsclfin numerom incidcnts sińce its inccpnon: it reermted thc Brothfriiood or Evn Ml iants led by Mvsti'0' to form thc nucleus of a government-spo»sorcd team ofoperativo known as Frfhkwi Iori i. It was rcsponsihlc łor choosing John Walker as thc repbccment tor Stew Roger* when thc latter gacę up Ins identity as Captain A mu- u a. Mcmbcrs ofthc CSA werc also rcsponsihlc for thc crcadon of supcrluimans such as Nukc and thc Julia Carpcnter Spidhr Woman.WIicii a Sini im i went rogue and attackcd a sohool in Amigo.
WiH łinMii. thc ( iHimusMon sent agents to imestigatc The C !SA has also hccn rcsponsihlc for pitting thc Tin M»iK!u>i is aga i nst thc Nfr AvTN<aRs. Whilc their rcsourccs havc tn casionally hccn uscd for nefariom purposes. in generał thc memhership ofthc UonunisMon ren u ins dcdicated to its mission statement of protetting thc American pcoplc from any threat spawned hy thosc possessing superhliman attrihutes. TB
1 OrMo Sendorson 2 Georya Metfw* 3 .4
8 \4śene Cooper 8 Raymond Storek/ 7
FIRST APPEARANCE Man* Tr«asury Spfoal *1 (1976) REALNAME Teth K
OCCUPATION PhOoaophw 8ASE Coa Sack Nebuta HEK3HT 5 fl WEICHT 1J0R>* EYES Bk# HAIR Nor* SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Control ot h* body'* mvoluntary r#spon**» heartbeat. persptration etc: h*g»Vy develop9d mentaf power* »cuie a*aw»5 of t*v« *r<6 <jmver»es
Ihe cdbkm *i ConstnckX9 barUKuKeromadeol ademeniMa. the wonpoet metal cnot torged tr, men
SHIHLł) agent Frank Paync was sent undercowr to infiltratę a criminal orgam/ation known as thc Corporation, using thc alias Frank Schlichting-Wlien Payne was forced to kill scucral youths diirmg a fight hctwccn the (Corporation and a gang, he sulTercd .i ncrcous breakdow n I hc ('orporanon rhen gavc him thc 'onstru tor battlcsuit. and hc
l>ecamc a criminal opcratice for them, hatthng the Hi ik and Nick Fury. When thc Corporation was dissoh ed, Constnetor went frcelance and fought CAPIAIN AmPRK A, POWER Man and Iron l isi,and Spidłr-Man. For a w lnic Constrictor teamed with Sahret<x>ti i, but prcfcrrmg to work alone, he refused niembership in thcSlltllNI SłHim. MT
An Eldlr oi i hi Uniyfrsf. thc Conterapbtor is one ofthc most anciem beings m thc cosmos. Horn in thc carly days ofthc umwrse, hc lus spent most of his lite m mcditation. icHccung on and tcasing out thc umwrse's ilccpcst sccrcts. On occasion. thc ( '.ontempbtor lus intcrwned in human affairs—Iron Fisi cncountcrcd Inni during a batile with Hydry, hc oncc gave Capi nin Ami ru a a bisiory tom. and hc has lud deahngs with thc SlLYLR Sl RUR. Bill. for thc most part. this cnigniatic. aged figlirc spends his days watching and leammg. A D