Umil tecently thc ruler of the Dark Dimension. durmg hor lifetnnc the i altmian Princcw Clea Has ocpericnced numcrous trials and tnbulations rhc daughter of PrilJW Orim and Uniar, mfluential figures in thc Dark 1 hrnension. I k-.i bccame :nvolved in much of thc turmoił that ftłlhcted that pockct universe. Dor ior Str w .i tirst nu t Clea durmg one ofhis first forays to hor homeland, and lic u as :o h.i\ c a significam influenco on licr lifc.Togcther tli es fought against thc demon Dormammj and during tli esc battlcs they foli in lovc. struggles werc not without tlicir dangers and ior a tnne Clea bccame trapped in a separatc pockct uniwrsc with Dormammu. After her rescue by Strangc, Clea I spent scvcrai years in New York City. where she bccame his disciplc and also his lovcr Whcn she returned to her homo, she led a rovoludon against her motlier, who had bccome rulet. Although she was to takc her mothers place, it was only ior a shot t muc. tor she was to be iKiirpcd as weli: thc uphcawils of her early lite seem set A to continuc throughou:
Cleas adultliood AD
Tyrooe Johnson, Tandy Bowor OCCUPATION
BASE TheHołyGhost Chorch. New Ifork City HEK3HT <C!oak) 6 ft (Dagger; 5 ft 5 m WEIGHT (Cloak) 175 Ibs. (Dagger; 115 Ibs EYES (Cłoak) Brown. (Dagger) Błu#
HAIR (Cloak) Black.
(Dagger). Blonde
Tytonc Johnson was an Afro- American tceuagcr whose stutter tragically prcventcd him saying his lficnd Billy froni bemg mistakenly sliot as a thiefby a polu eman.
A Caucasian teenager, Tandy Bowen. ielt neglected and unloved by ber wcalthy motlier. Johnson and Bowen cach ran away froni home. and met each other upon arming iti New York ( htv at thc Port Authority Bus Terminal.
Hiey were oftered a place to stay by men who worked tor Simon unsciupulous chcmist who was developmg a new. highly addictiw drug lor ilie \lv.(.n Marshall was testmg the drug on captured runaways. But whereas tlie drug killed rhc other runaways. it .u tisated Hjohnson and Bowen s latem mutant abilkies.
Realizing he now rcscmblcd a livtng shadow.
[Johnson wrapped himsclf in fahric. I le tlieti entrapped sonie of Marshall s men in thc blackness within tliis "cloak" w lnie Bowen struck others dow n with "daggers" of light " Johnson and Bowen dccided to use their superhuman powers to save children and tcenagcrs troili drug dealers and other crnmnals and bccame thc vigilante duo i .illed Cloak and Dagger. PS
Daggarfc ‘łgK-knwoe* aro maraleetaiiona <.4 energy that rwdes w*hr ai fcvmg bengs. Dagg* genoratos morę ot tir. We eneryy normul humans do. and ueoe it to leed Cłook s hungee lor surti ’mjl * *
Owęnto dWonng hackground*. runamaya Tyrona
Jobneon ar>d landy Bowen became the ctoaest oł Inendn
Spec.tac.uter Sptder-Man #64 (Msrch 1982}
Cłoak car of Mn a portal r#o “DarMoreo Drrwnsron ’ Can propcl nto th* cłmenaion. toioport tmroaA and Degger projects
‘daggors ot lght.‘ psoracenergy tfu? d*priv*ę a v*rt*n of torr* Bc iwiergy aiłd ca»i riaanw* peopte 1 ot dmgs and poeona