22 3

22 3

Chapter IV - 1962

&art»c doi got a new hardo1 The faniilar pooytai oI the 50s was pnod by a sbcrl Ikjf/y bouffanl bufcbte cut! W<h the looser look to her hardo. Baib»e doili wardrobe grew to ncbdo mero cwual ensembies Ths year sho bocame a terms player and an teo skater' Thero worc- fcor new ddytime dressos and a beautfti new vehet coul n the coBoction The ma-and motch pak concopt was ntro-doced with imors for both Barfcoc and Keo dolls

The oght new comploto coitumes for Barbe doi wore |omed by twenty-eight costumes from 1959 - 1961 Ibosc carry-overs we *951 Cd den Gri *912 Cotton Csiuals. *918 Cruse Strpo Dress. "959 Under-garments bocame Foshco Undes. "921 Floral Petteoat. "923 Bcrbe Ac-ccssones. *961 Evenng Splendoor. "96? Batbte-O Outf*. *963 Resort Sol. *965 N’<jht Nog.geo Sol. *967 Picnc Sol. *969 S.isurbon Shopper. *972 WedcJng Day Set "973 Sweet Dreams, *975 W mer Holddy. "976 Swcator Grl *977 Slkon Flanc. "978 Lots Dance. *979 Fnday Nrtc Dato *98? Sdo h The Spcttght *983 Enchanted £ven.ng *984 Amencan Adnes Stewardess. "985 Open Road *986 Sheath Seroation *987 Or-onge Bossom *988 Sngmg In The Stv>.\or. *989 Bdlerma. and *991 Reg&tcred Nurse

Garden Party (t96? - 5963)


Prk flowers and pmdots dancod on ftarbte doił cool summer cotton dress with oydet miel panel m the fiil sfcrt A porky p«rk accont bow aóded ntorcsl to Barfcoo doSTs liny wastlne. Short whte tncot gfoves end włrte open-toe shoes completed the sc*nmery outfil


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