Ir is a good idea to start by decorating a smali fiat surface, so in this section I have included a variety of simple greetings card designs for you to try.
Blank greetings card
3mm (]/sin) ąuilling paper
5mm (Yicin) quilling paper for fringed flowers
You will need to quill the following:
Petain - ten onc-third-strip heart shapes CENTRES - rwo fringed flowers madc from one-third-strips attached ro 3cm (P/dn) lengths of 5mm (Yioin) fringed paper
Leaves - twenty-four one-eighth-strip teardrops Stems and stalks - shorts strips glued oń their sides
Making up the design
Glue sets of thrce and five teardrop shapes together on the board to form the leaves. Cut a smali slot at one end of a short strip (a stalk) and push each side of the slot outwards to make a ‘platform’. Apply glue to the platform, position it across the bottom of the leaf asscmbly and then smooth each side of the platform into place. You can use this method to attach stalks to individual leaf shapes on other designs.
Make up each flower on the board. Glue the left-hand flower on to the card, dren glue the second one so that one of its petals comes up and over the first flower. This gives a three-dimensional effect to your work. Quilling does not have to be fiat!
Glue the leaf clusters and stems into place on the card. You will notice that the long stem from the left-hand flower has been looped ar the bottom and the excess looped paper glued co one side — ifyou want to do the same on your card you must pinch the loops into the paper before you glue it on to the card.
Make two flaps in the end of a stalk and stick this ‘platform’aroundthe end ofthe leaf cluster.