This is an unusual instance of bar-mounts being set with other than regular spacing.
1141 SWA81 430 (2018) 9 5.5x25mm; sheeting; one rivet survives.
1142 SWA81 2128 (2030) 9 fig 133
6x26mm; solid; central ridge; rivets missing.
1143 BWB83 4466 (256) 11 fig 133
4x30mm; solid; altemate plain and cross-hatched fields along bar; integral rivets.
This is the only bar mount with integral rivets; it may perhaps have been for a casket or other rigid object, rather than for a strap.
1144 BWB83 3253 (265) 12 fig 133
6x24mm; folded sheeting; central ridge; rivets mis-sing.
1145 BWB83 5133 (unstratified) fig 133 4x20mm; solid; D-section; angled recess in middle of one edge; rivets survive; corrosion products on the back suggest that this was fixed to a smoother surface than leather.
Probably from a shield-shaped strap-end like no. 738 (fig 103).
A simple bar-mount with two rivets is used as a form of rove on the strap with the parallel for buckie no. 472 (fig 65).
1146 BWB83 8 (110) 11 fig 102
5x24mm; solid; two rivets; on leather strap with strap-end no. 730.
Bars with terminal lobes
Copper alloy
1147 BIG82 2511 (2853) 8 fig 134 4x25mm; sheeting; two iron rivets.
1148 SWA81 3429 (2141) 9 fig 134
7.5xl3mm; sheeting; lozenge-shaped bar.
1149 SWA81 426 (2018) 9 fig 134 7x20mm; sheeting; central ridge; on fragment of leather strap 23mm wide and with impressed lines lengthways defining where the rivets are set.
1150 SWA81 3427 (2141) 9 fig 134
5x22.5mm; solid; central ridge; rivets missing.
1151 SWA81 1881 (2133) 9 fig 134
6x29.5mm; sheeting; central ridge; rivets missing.
1152 SWA81 431 (2018) 9
8x33mm; sheeting; central ridge; rivets missing.
1153 SWA81 3076 (2030) 9 Mount as no. 1149, but 7x33.5mm.
Bars with terminal and central lobes
Copper alloy
A leather strap with mounts of this form (altemating with circular ones having a beaded border) has been published as a hamess strap (Guildhall Museum Cata-logue 1908, 144 no. 4613 & pl LXXIV nos. 2 & 11) — there seems to be no specific reason to connect it with horse eąuipment.
1154 BIG82 3267 (3561) 6 fig 134
6.5x32mm; solid; central hole; rivets missing.
1155 SWA81 597 (2055) 9 fig 134
6x lOmm; sheeting; central hole; rivets have roves and traces of lead-tin solder (MLC); leather survives from strap.
6x 18mm; solid; central hole; bar is hatched horizontal-ly; rivets missing.
1157 SWA81 424 (2018) 9 fig 134
7x22mm; as preceding item; one rivet with solder survives.
1158 SWA81 1942 (2063) 9 fig 134 8x31.5mm; solid; bar tapers from centre; central hole with raised, bevelled surround; raised terminal lobes; one rivet with traces of solder survives.
1159 BWB83 4553 (274) 9 fig 134
13x39mm; rectangular sheeting; sąuarish hole in raised central sąuarish area (both orientated as lozenges); raised bar and trilobed terminals; probably unfinished, sińce it has not been trimmed; no rivets.
1160 BWB83 1508 (108) 11 fig 134
10x 16mm; solid; central lobe is crudely cross-hatched; part of one rivet survives.
1161 BWB83 3605 (368) 11 fig 134
9xl9mm; solid; gunmetal (AML); central lobe is cross-hatched; part of one rivet survives.
1162 BWB83 5832 (291) 11
12x22mm; solid; (leaded) bronze, with tin coating (AML); central lobe is cross-hatched; one rivet sur-vives.